My Crocheted Umbrella Pouch, Tie and Dye Scarf_ by @needleworkmonday


Hello everyone! As I write at this wee hour, we're having an intensity 5 earthquake so I better make my draft to keep me awake and alert before our electricity gets off!

As you can see on the photo above, I crocheted a yellow pouch with white stripes in zigzag pattern which has turned into an umbrella formation. I plan to sew a lining this time with cord for pull-over on each tip.

Actually, I had second thoughts as to proceed with it or not because Scooby, our puppy, played with the thread ball. I immediately rescued my little pouch! Oh my, I was almost done with it and I need to do it all over again!
The Culprit

I wanted to spank his butt so he won't do it again but he's such a baby with those innocent eyes!

That's how it should look when done.






I like the simple chaining for my pouch.

Project #2 __ 'Tie and Dye'


I used an old pink scarf which has some holes on it, which I will do some innovations later when I cut it into something beautiful.


It's still wet and on air dry. I used this kind of design because I will make a blousy caftan out of it.

Tie and Dye was once my trending business using flour sacks. The reason is that the cotton fabric is durable and cheaper as well. You only need a little effort in removing the trademarks. Two pieces of flour sack cloths will make a saucy pair of tops and short or just a long swag dress.


I used a colored pink scarf for my model. This means that I will be using a darker dye. Straw string is preferable but it's not available. Instead, I used my plastic ice wrapper for tying.


You can tie it that way, or you can simply fold it and dip the tip of each corner in order to form petals.




For preparation, you need to boil the water first. While boiling, add some salt and vinegar followed by a pack of dye. This will make the dye stick and penetrate into the fiber more effectively. You can add more dye to create a darker color effect. I used an old wok for safety.

These are my achievements for this week. I will post them again when I cut and sew it to something nice.

Thanking the needlework community and to the admin:
@shanibeer, @muscara, @marbly and thanks to @neumannsalva.

Keep safe everyone!

Till then,



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