Meet Octie - Aya's Marine Biology Finger Knitting Project


Since my kid entered first grade, I have been all about being a homeschool momma. As a matter of fact, my posts have been me just babbling about our homeschooling journey. It has been full of transformation as I've mentioned on my last post and I am loving every moment of it. This doesn't mean though that I have already forgotten about my love of crocheting. I make it a point that I have at least one project each month, spending at least an hour a day for crocheting even with all the hustle of our homeschool tasks.

I have tried teaching Aya how to crochet before. She did like it while we were in the moment but I can feel she isn't too crazy about it. Being a crocheter, I don't feel too bad that she's not that into crocheting like myself. My daughter is another person and I do not expect for her to be like me or like anyone else. The only expectation I have of her is that she be her best self in whatever endeavor she would want to get into.

Anyway, I'd like you all to meet Octie. We are studying about the different sea animals in our Marine Biology. Did you all know that octopus has 3 hearts? Me and my daughter learned that in Finding Dory but we learned more about octopuses in The Good and the Beautiful Marine Biology book. I got the free download from their website. The book includes several activities but for Octie the finger knitted octopus was from the regular email I receive from

Since I run a semi-child led learning style in our homeschooling journey, I checked with the little kiddo first if she wanted to give the finger knitting project a try. When she agreed to it, I went ahead and prepared the yarns she'll be using.


As soon as I gave her the instructions, she went ahead and started with the project. She had to make 4 long finger knitted chains. Being a kid that she is, she's getting impatient with finishing the project. I can see how very important it is for kids to experience creating things like this. It gives them enough experience in dealing with impatience, paying attention, and giving their project all their best to come up with a beautiful finished project.

I was working alongside her most of the time because it has been part of our bonding moment. Projects and crafts is one of our relaxed homeschooling session and we get to just chill out and enjoy chatting while working. She would stop every now and then because she's losing patience especially when she gets the yarns tangled up. But what impressed me the most was that she spent her quiet time that week working on Octie. Most times she would either pick up a book, play with her toys, or just sit idly by, just relaxing. During that week though, she worked on the finger knitting project. She's too excited and can't wait to see her finished product.


There were instances when she compared her work to mine, I had to remind her that I had more experience in crocheting than her. We used it as a reminder her that the only comparison she should make is with herself. This is one of the reasons we chose to homeschool, so that her only competition is herself yesterday. That way, she'll strive to better herself because of herself, not because of some competition or medal or any reward.


She was so proud of this project, she brought Octie on her portfolio gala last month. I am also so proud of her because I saw how she pushed herself through this project. She learned to manage her time, improved her patience, and of course, learned to feel a lot more love for handmade projects.

We have a couple more projects we're working on and a few more she's enjoyed and finished working on. I'm excited for her to learn more crafts and all the values that come along with arts and crafts making.


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