Market misadventure.//.Turning fabric frustration into a beautiful skirt


Hello, my fellow needleworker! I hope you are doing well. I'd like to share the story behind this beautiful skirt, enjoy.
One sunny Saturday in November, I headed to the market to get the materials needed for a dress for a customer. The day before, my friend called and asked me to get 8 yards of quality black tulle since she couldn't find any in her area. I told her it was no problem – after all, what are friends for?

Upon arriving, It was really hard to get a quality tulle. The available options were of low quality and the quality ones were not up to the amount of yards she wanted to buy. I called her and explained the situation, and she suggested opting for a preferred quality. Consequently, I got one that I felt the quality was decent.

sewing process

After delivering the material, she assured me she would transfer the money to my account. However, She called me later in the evening that the material was tearing that she couldn't use it and she would go and get the material herself. “So what do you want me to do” I asked. She lamented how she was going to waste her money because she had to get another material.

I dumped the material in my storage bag and around 2 weeks later, she called, complaining that her portion of the material was not up to 4 yards. Aside from not being around because I was in camp, I was not going to entertain her complaints because of her attitude. I felt upset because she overlooked my efforts to get the material for her and the stress of walking all over the market just to get a good fabric for her. I told her there was nothing I wanted to do about it and that if she wanted to exchange it with me she could but she declined

sewing process

During the new year, I did some cleaning in my storage bag and noticed the tulle sitting at the bottom of the bag. I took it out and decided to make something with it.
After brainstorming designs and endless surfing on Pinterest, I ended up making this beautiful black skirt.
So, this is the story behind this skirt, haha.

If you love to see my steps, continue reading.

cutting of the fabric
I folded the fabric into four and the length of the layers.


I cut 2 for the top layer which is 13 inches long and 3 for the middle layer which is 11 and the last layer which is also 11 inches long and I joined them together respectively.

I cut the inner skirt where I will be seeing the layer on. I cut the lining 5 inches short. The measurement for the skirt is corresponding to the measurement

the inner skirt


I gathered the layers and attached them to the inner skirt starting from the last layer to the top layer



I sew the band of the skirt


I then attached the band to the skirt


I sew the lining to the skirt afterward


This is the finished look


” This is not a detailed tutorial”

Thanks for reading my blog and have a fabulous day ❤️

All images are mine and the thumbnail was made by Canva

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