[ENG-SPA] How to make a spider amigurumi//Como hacer una araña amigurumi


Hello #Hive friends, especially to the #NeedleWorkMonday community. Also, a big shout out to @irenenavarroart for her #HalloweekNeddleChallenge initiative in which I'm participating with the following post:
Today I present to you a spider shaped amigurumi for Halloween. This holiday is ideal for children, the spoiled of our homes as they collect candy and gifts,also they wear scary outfits or costumes like Frankenstein, the monster family, skeletons💀, spiders, pumpkins 🎃 ghosts👻 and others.

Hola amigos de #Hive, especialmente a la comunidad de #NeedleWorkMonday. Además gratos saludos a @irenenavarroart por su iniciativa #HalloweekNeddleChallenge en la cual estoy participando con la siguiente publicación:
Hoy les presento un amigurumi con forma de araña para la fiesta de Halloween. Esta festividad es ideal para los niños, los consentidos de nuestros hogares ya que recolectan dulces y regalos,además se colocan atuendos o disfraces tenebrosos como Frankenstein, la familia mountruo, esqueletos💀, arañas, calabazas 🎃 fantasmas👻 y otros.


This is a challenge for me, because this is my second amigurumi, the first was a unicorn, I think it is quite difficult to weave the amigurumi technique, when one has only been dedicated to crochet knitting, I watched several tutorials and I dared with this one, to see if I pass the challenge, although it is difficult, but if you join with pain in the eyes, which I get when knitting with black thread.
However I am participating with this spider that starts with magic ring, making 19 turns forming a small sphere of radius 2.25cms, in the eighth turn are made the 8 legs (4) on each side, then the eyes the white part with magic ring and pb.
with magic ring and bp.

Este si es un reto para mi, porque este es mi segundo amigurumi, el primero fue un unicornio, considero que es bastante difícil tejer la técnica amigurumi, cuando uno solamente se ha dedicado a tejer crochet, observé varios tutoriales y me atreví con este, haber si paso el reto, aunque es difícil, más si se une con dolor en los ojos, que me produce al tejer con el hilo color negro.
Sin embargo estoy participando con esta araña que se empieza con anillo mágico, haciendo 19 vueltas formando una pequeña esfera de radio 2,25cms, en la octava vuelta se realizan las 8 patitas (4) de cada lado, luego los ojos la parte blanca
con anillo mágico y pb.

Well, let's go to the step by step/Bueno, vamos al paso a paso:
  • black wick yarn
  • white crochet thread
  • crochet needle n°2
  • hilo pabilo color negro
  • hilo crochet color blanco
  • aguja crochet n°2


ch: chains
aumtri: triple increase
dismtri: triple decrease
pr: slip stitch
v: round
aum: increase
dism: decrease
bp: low stitch
pto: stitch

ch: cadenas
aumtri: aumento triple
dismtri: disminución triple
pr: punto deslizado
v: vuelta
aum: aumento
dism: disminución
pb: punto bajo
pto: punto


v1- start with magic ring, make 4pb and close

v1- comenzamos con anillo mágico, hacer 4pb y cerrar


v2- 3 aum(12)3pb in one stitch do in each stitch=12

v2- 3 aum(12)3pb en un solo punto hacer en cada punto=12


v3- 1pb, 1aum tri(2pb,1aum tri)x3,1pb =20

v3- 1pb, 1aum tri(2pb,1aum tri)x3,1pb =20


v4- 2pb, 1aum tri(4pb,1aumtri)x3, 2pb =28

v4- 2pb, 1aum tri(4pb,1aumtri)x3, 2pb =28


v5- 3bp, 1aumtri(6bp,1aumtri)x3,3bp =36

v5- 3pb, 1aumtri(6pb,1aumtri)x3,3pb =36


v6- 4pb, 1aumtri(8pb, 1aumtri)x3, 4pb=44

v6- 4pb, 1aumtri(8pb, 1aumtri)x3, 4pb=44


v7- 5bp, 1dism(9bp,1dism)x3, 4bp =36
v8- v14 repeat v7
v15- 4pb,dismtri(7pb, 1dism)x3, 3pb
v16- 3pb,dismtri(5pb, 1dism)x3, 2pb=24
Fill in
v17- 2pb, aumtri(3pb,aumtri)x3, pb=16

v7- 5pb, 1dism(9pb,1dism)x3, 4pb =36
v8- v14 repetir v7
v15- 4pb,dismtri(7pb, 1dism)x3, 3pb
v16- 3pb,dismtri(5pb, 1dism)x3, 2pb=24


v17- 2pb, aumtri(3pb,aumtri)x3, pb=16


v18- (pb,dismtri)x4

  • On the 8th row make 8 chains, 7pb, repeat every 2 spaces, (4) on each side.

v18- (pb,dismtri)x4

  • Hacer en la 8 vuelta realizar 8 cadenas, 7pb, repetir cada 2 espacios, (4) de cada lado



Make the eyes with white yarn with magic ring,10pb, then glue black eyes on top of the white one.

... And the spider is ready to celebrate HALLOWEEN 🎃

Hacer los ojítos con hilo blanco con anillo mágico,10pb, luego pegar ojítos negros encima del blanco.

... Y listo la araña para celebrar HALLOWEEN 🎃


Challenge overcome, I finished my spider, I'm happy and content because I managed to finish it, besides presenting it on time to the #NeedleWorkMonday community.
I liked the way it turned out, although it has some flaws, little by little I will improve it.

Did you like it? Tell me something... Thanks for reading.

Reto superado ya terminé mi araña, estoy feliz y contenta porque logré terminarlo, además de presentarlo a tiempo a la comunidad #NeedleWorkMonday.
Me gustó como quedó, aunque tiene defectos que poco a poco iré mejorando.

Y a Uds. ¿Les gustó? Diganme algo... Gracias por leer.

Texts and photographs are my authorship, the photos taken with Xiaomi Redmi note 8 cell phone. Some photos were edited with Picsart Gold. Text translated with deelp.com

Textos y fotografías son de mi autoría, las fotos tomadas con celular Xiaomi Redmi note 8. Algunas fotos fueron editadas con Picsart Gold. Texto traducido con deepl.com



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