”Dreams are never destroyed”: My introduction to Hive.

Do you have control over your emotion? If not, please start making control over emotion, otherwise, it will suffer you in the future. Teenage is a very critical moment for every people. Cause in that time people has no control over their emotions. They can't make balance over emotions and decisions. My life history is also the same, imbalance over my emotion & decision.


Positive & effective support is must be needed when you lose control over your emotions. In these cases, family members always play a vital role in making a perfect decision balancing with our emotions. If you don't get any proper guidance at that time, very sure you must take a risky decision giving much priority to your emotions.


Hello everyone. Myself Mohoshena Mitu. I'm from Gaibandha, Bangladesh. I just got married after my Higher Secondary School Certificate examination. Isn't it very early? I'm only 19, yet I didn't complete my graduation. Being a graduate with the subject of fashion designing is my ultimate dream. I love singing and writing.


Needlework is my most favorite hobby and by the time I'm spending my leisure period doing beautiful Needleworks in my husband's house.


Falling in love becomes a very common culture for teenagers. I was also part of it. When I was taking preparation for Secondary School Certificate examination I fell in love with @smshagorbd. When I completed my H.S.C I took a very risky decision of getting married to @smshagorbd.


I was lost my control over my emotion and didn't get any positive decision from my family members and get married off. Now my married life becomes a very strong wall between my dreams and real life. Sometimes I become very disappointed thinking about what I did? I just killed up my dreams by strangulation.



Thanks to @shadonchandra for introducing me to #Hive. The Hive becomes a new hope for me. Maybe I can't complete my post-graduation from Hive but I believe here I will find another dream. With the help of Hive, I want to re-built my dreams and destiny. May Hive can't make me a professional fashion designer but it can give me the ultimate satisfaction of acting like a fashion designer.


Here I decided to work with the community named #NeedleWorkMonday. Want to publish my creative Needleworks by creating articles. I Hope Hive will give me much mental satisfaction and will help me a lot in developing my creativity.

Praying for much support from each and every Hive user I want to finish my introduction post.

Thanks for reading my post.

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