Another Cowl and Hive on Ravelry

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Last week, I showed you all the cowl I had made in the first couple of days of my visit to Northern Arizona. You have no idea how glad I am that I have this yummy warm cowl every single day. It is cold here!

Inspired by your encouragement to write a pattern for the cowl, and the desire to give a gift to one of our Navajo friends, I purchased some more yarn in her favorite colors during our outing to Window Rock.

This time, I wanted to make the dickie part of the cowl a little bit bigger and I thought that it would be best to knit that part back and forth instead of in the round. I also cast on more stitches than I will need for the cowl part.

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The idea is that it will lay flat on the shoulder and give more warmth and protection for the chest. I might want to make it even longer or work some short rows to extend the chest protection part. We see how it fits after I am done.

To make the edges pretty, I decided to do a 3-stitch I-cord edging.

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After joining in the round, I used the same colorwork pattern as I did for the previous cowl. Originally, I was going to use 3 colors but decided to keep it at two.

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However, I did change the dominant color at the pattern repeat. I think you can see how that gives the design a different look.

The end/beginning of row are at the back and while you can see that the design is a little off, I don't think it is too bad. The stitch marker on the needle marks the beginning of the row.

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I am working on the pattern and probably will knit a few more cowls before I have it the way I want it to be.

Now, on to the Ravelry part of this post.

Hive on Ravelry

After last week's post, I had a little conversation with @shanibeer about running a KAL (KnitALong) in the Needlework group and we weren't quite sure what is the best way to get that accomplished.

Of course, we want everyone to post to Hive, but a KAL often has a lot of back and forth of questions and such and that would be hard to keep in one spot on Hive or easily searchable.

So, we came up with the idea to start a group on Ravelry just for the purpose of running KALs and Cals (CrochetALongs).

Of course, I asked permission from @crosheille and then, I went ahead and started the group.

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So far, I am the only member 😂

Just to be clear, this group is intended as a support to our activities here on Hive and not as a replacement for anything we are doing here.

Ravelry is a free platform and you all are invited to join the group

Once we start a Kal, you will find out about it right here in the Needlework Monday community.

Maybe knitting a cowl will be our first project 😉

All photos are mine. I might publish this post to other platforms as well.

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