Sewing Office and Tools we Use


Good evening everyone. I'm new to this community. I'm here to talk about my needlework experience through sewing. From other days, I'll be taking about how I sew unisex clothes for people who do patronize me.


My sewing office is located at Eke market Ihuohuu, Afikpo North Local Government Area, Ebonyi Stat, Nigeria. We have many workers in my office, those who are professiosal designers and those who are apprentice. Most at time, we gosiip within ourselves when less work. We are all women and no single man among us. When we do have more customers for sewing services is during month of September and December time. During this season, we normal come for work very early and close very late when other businesses have closed. During this period, we used to be. stressed up.


During seasonal period, cost of materials becomes very high. To see anyone to buy, we have to travel far. During seasonal period, most work are half done while few will be done. Not finishing customers clothes makes us to hide, when any of customers manages to catch us from hiding, we cook a very nice story why we were unable to finish sewing their clothes. During seasonal period, we mostly receive insult and disgrace from customers for not finishing their clothes.


When we do have less customers to sew clothes for are between month of February to July. This period, we normally gossip women affairs. This period, apprentice learn from old apprentice.


How We Arrange Sewing Office


When we come in the morning, we sweep our office, carry out morning devotion. We arrange customers request, start work for the day. When we close work towards evening time, we bring in all working tools, sweep the office to remove waist fabrics. Put the fabrics in one bag for revisiting. We check list of customers we sewed clothes and then deliver it to them.


Kind Of Tools We Have In Our Sewing Office

Sewing machine÷ This machine I what we use in sewing clothes. There are electronic and none electronic sewing machine. What we use for now is none electronic because of high cost of electronic sewing machine. Sewing machine make use needle, thread, machine.


Table÷ This is were we spray our materials before sewing to get normal sewing length. Table is were we cut materials before sewing them with a sewing machine.


Tape÷ This is what we use for measuring to give us normal length neck, armpit, etc.

Scissors÷ This is what we in cutting materials before sewing them.

Iron÷ This is what we use in ironing materials after joining landing. We use iron to iron materials after joining landing. We use iron to straighten fabrics after sewing them

Chalk÷ This is what we use in drawing lines on fabrics before cutting.


Exercise book÷ This is what we use in writing down customers measurement. We use exercise book to write customers names who paid for their sewing work. We also use exercise book to write names of customers who paid part payment or those who paid nothing for their sewing work.

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