A Beautifully Made Upshoulder Gown for my friend.

Hi Everyone in this community. Hope you're all doing great? This is my first time engaging in this community. Having gone through this community and seeing a whole lot happening here, amazing creativity.

So I will be sharing with you how I made this simple short gown for my friend. This is actually my first time sewing this particular style. I mostly sew free tops and gowns for myself so today I decided to sew this simple but beautiful up shoulder gown for my friend. She doesnt love free gowns just like I do. She loves her gown fitted.

So these are the processes I took to achieve the Gown.

Firstly I took her body measurements ranging from the length, hip length, shoulder, burst, under burst, shape, the sleeves and round sleeve length, and wrote them down so I will not forget. I took the material and folded it into two to cut the materials out using the measurements I took from my friend.

I started with measuring and cutting the down part of the gown. I measured the length of the gown, i measured the hips and I included a zipper allowance then u used my chalk to draft the pattern thereby cutting it out. Thereafter I measured and cut out the front part of the cloth for the body part. Here also I measured the half length of the gown, the shoulder, the burstier then also added a zipper allowance and I drafted it with my chalk to get a perfect upper part before cutting it out of my fabrics. After that was done I used the already measured material to replicate another part of the cloth like using the back of the down part of the gown to replicate the front down part of the gown.

After that I attached paper gum to the material to get a perfect burstier and when I was done I took it to my machine to sew it and I got this beautiful

I turned the neckline both front and back then i held the dart in the down part of the dress and thereafter i joined both the upper and part of the dress and the down part of the dress together to form a gown, added the body measurement fix the hands and then i was able to achieve this short beautiful up shoulder gown for my friend and she wore it to an occasion and she really loved the dress as she looked really beautiful in it. I was very happy i was able to get a perfect work done with my hands.

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

I remain @giftakpan.

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