Hello everyone, happy Monday! Trust you all had a great weekend. Well, I spent mine making yet another wonderful piece. Today I will be sharing a brief tutorial on how I made a pinafore using an Ankara fabric.

Exclaimer: This is the first time I’m trying this style, and honestly, I was just anticipating the results. For the purpose of this dress, here are the only measurements I will need:

Waist (27
Full length: 31
Full-skirt length: 24
Half length: 13
Waist: 27+ 2 inches zip allowance
Crossing belt: 27
Font piece: 9

I started by cutting out my waistband with zipper allowance.
And I began folding my fabric into eight to cut out a full circle for the upper layer. Most people will use a half circle for the upper layer and a full circle for the bottom, as the case may be, but I would be walking with a full circle because I wanted my dress to give off a ball effect.

I went on cutting the down part, but something really annoying happened: my fabric was finished.
I guess learning how to manage fabric is something I am still learning to do.

When I was done, I joined them together on the band with an office pin and sewed them together. It came out looking like what i wanted.

Honestly, at some point, I was just trusting the process because the skirt looked like something a masquerade would wear😅.
when I started cutting the front piece and the belt for the upper part and joining them together, i had so many regrets. I started wishing i went with something much easier style but the end results made it all worth it. I however still wanted it to look like something an angel would wear, so I decided to add buttons at the top.

Anyway, this was the finished look, but now that I think about it, I could have made the strap on the shoulder much more thin and longer, but I guess there’s always next time.

me after sunday services

Thank you for reading through. Have a lovey week☺️.

note that all pictures are originally taken and edited by me

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