👝 Culotte-shaped holster 👝

Hi, today we are going to make this pencil case or bag in the form of culottes.


The measurements are for a medium-sized pencil case, but you can enlarge it as much as you want.


Once the mold is cut, they can adjust it as much as they want.


In this case it is optional to leave 1.0 cm of seam allowance. I used pieces of flat fabric that I had, when I say "flat fabric" I mean that they are fabrics that do not have any type of elasticity.


To make it a little more weighty, I used five parts. If the fabric you use has more weight, you can do it with only three parts.


Well, the first thing we are going to do is sew a ribbon on one of the parts, this would be the back cover, as seen in the image.


Then, we put self-adhesive velcro on the cover and on the back cover, which would be the one to which we put the tape. If you don't have self-adhesive velcro, you can put a button on the cover and sew a slit on the cover. Or it can also be common velcro without self-adhesive.


Next step, we sew on the inner side, the two covers, if they cut five parts, it would be two parts for each cover. If they cut three, they would only be one part for each lid.


To cover that seam, what you can do is sew a little tape over it, as you can see in the image.


Finally, we put the back cover and cover the entire contour with tape, as seen in the image. And voila, we have our pencil case in the shape of a culotte ready.


This is what it would look like once finished.


And that's how it would look inside. You can also make it with a closure, but, as I always write, that is up to everyone's taste. I hope you liked it.

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