Crochet fruit mango

Hello to all the users who live in this beautiful community

Hola a todos los usuarios que hacen vida en esta hermosa comunidad

On this day I want to express my gratitude for each of the blessings that I have had on this day, for being here again sharing with you, for the support of each one who with their votes and comments help me to continue, for their advice that little Little by little I have put it into practice, being here at Hive is like feeling like family in a second home for me.

En este dia deseo expresar el agradecimiento por cada una de las bendiciones que he tenido en este dia, por estar nuevamente aqui compartiendo con ustedes, por el apoyo a cada unos que con sus votos y comentarios me ayudan a continuar, por sus consejos que poco a poco he puesto en practica, estar aqui en Hive es sentirse en familia en un segundo hogar para mi.

On this wonderful day I want to share with you a project that I created thanks to my granddaughter and for her, this was a hair ornament but with a very well-known fruit here in my country, which is a blessing, like the mango.

En este dia maravilloso quiero compartir con ustedes un proyecto que cree gracias a mi nieta y para ella, este fue un adorno de cabello pero con una fruta muy conocida aqui en mi pais, que es una bendicion, como lo es el mango.

In all the school institutions in my country they held a Mango fair, which was from first grade to 6th grade, each student had to make a presentation about the mango, which could be songs, dance, plays, story telling, history, story. , or an exhibition where mango is talked about, in turn carrying a product made with mango juice, candy, jelly among others.

En todas las instituciones escolares de mi pais realizaron una feria del Mango, que era desde primer grado hasta 6to grado de primaria, cada estudiante debia realizar una presentacion sobre el mango, que podia ser canciones, baile, obras, cuenta cuento, historia, relato, o una exposicion en donde se hable del mango, a su vez llevar un producto elaborado con el mango jugo, dulces, jalea entres otros.

Copia de foto.jpg

My granddaughter, as always, likes to wear two crinejas in her hair, told me that she would like to wear a fabric related to the mango, well since she didn't have threads we went out to buy, on the way we were going to buy the threads I started even though I could elaborate to complement your presentation.

Mi nieta le gusta usar dos crineja en su cabello me dijo que le gustaria llevar un tejido relacionado con el mango, bueno como no tenia hilos salimos a comprar, en el camino que ibamos a comprar los hilos me puse a pesar que le podia elaborar para complementar su presentación.

To which I made some hooks with some mangoes but at the same time it was reflected that I was still on the branches of the mango, since my granddaughter was going to talk about the mango and perform a dance where it begins with the letter that the mango is taken, This is taken from the tree, that is why I chose the colors of the yellow and green thread, the yellow to make the shape of the handle and the green of the leaves and its branches, little by little I was imagining what this project would be, don't say more Here I share with you how I carried out this project.

A lo que le realice unos ganchos con unos mangos pero a su vez que se reflejara que aun estaba en la ramas del mango, ya que mi nieta iba hablar sobre el mango y realizar un baile donde inicia con la letra que se toma el mango, este se toma del arbol, es por ello que escogi los colores del hilo amarillo y verde, el amarillo para realizar la forma del mango y el verde de las hojas y sus ramas, poco a poco fui imaginando porque seria este proyecto, nose diga mas aqui te comparto como realice este proyecto.

Materials / Materiales

  • Yellow and green worsted yarn
  • Needle number 2
  • Alligator clip
  • Sewing thread needle
  • Scissors
  • Hilo de estambre amarillo y verde
  • Aguja numero 2
  • Pinza caiman
  • Aguja hilo de coser
  • Tijera

Procedure / Procedimiento

To start making the handle, make 4 simple chains where I then closed it to start knitting in the shape of a circle, and then knitting in the shape of a half double crochet, I added an increase stitch in each round, where when I reached the size of the fruit then I reduced one point for each round.

Para iniciar a realizar el mango realize 4 cadeneta sencilla en donde luego la cerre para iniciar un tejido en forma de circulo, para luego ir tejiendo en forma de medio punto alto, fui dando un punto de aumenta en cada vuelta, en donde al llegar al tamaño del fruto luego fui reduciendo un punto por cada vuelta.


After making the first mango, I already had my mold to recreate the others, after finishing it before closing it I filled it so that it had the shape, this is a good way for the detail of the fruit to stand out more.

Luego de realizar el primer mango, ya tenia mi molde para recrear los otros, luego de culminarlo ante de cerrarlo lo rellene para que tuviera la forma, este es una buena forma de que el detalle de la fruta se resalte mas.




To make the leaves and branches of the mango, I chained the branches to the desired length of my granddaughter's hair. The leaves were made at once in the same hacienola chain with a half double crochet.

Para realizar las hojas y ramas del mango, la hice con pura cadeneta la ramas, del largo deseado del cabello de mi nieta. Las hojas fueron hechas de una vez en la misma cadeneta hacienola con medio punto alto.


After completing it, I began to sew the handle with the branches, finally I glued it to the alligator clip, previously sewn with a satin fabric to cover the clip.

Luego de culminarla empece a coser lo mango con la ramas, por ultimo la pegue a la pinza caiman, previamente cosida con una tela saten para cubrir la pinza.


This is how my project looks today. We can change this type of project with the fruit we want or we can even add flowers or roses, depending on what we want to decorate. On this occasion it was the mango to decorate my granddaughter's hair with the presentation of her and her school.

Asi queda mi proyecto en el dia de hoy. Este tipo de proyecto lo podemos cambiar con la fruta que desemos o hasta podemos colocarle flores o rosas, eso dependiendo delo que deseemos colocar de adorno. En esta oportunidad fue el mango para decorar el cabello de mi nieta con la presentacion e su escuela.



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