Done and Dusted: Amending Kid Brothers School Bag, getting prepared for resumption

Hello great needle workers.

As always, I am super excited to make this post today and so much more am excited because it is Monday.


Due to the pandemic, over here in Nigeria, we've had some challenges getting our schools opened again. Series of precautionary measures has been put in place which has finally helped us now to resume our public schools.

Having junior ones at home, it is necessary that I make sure that all that will make schooling fun for my young ones are properly put in place so in my own little way, all I could do was to run some little amendment on his school bag to get him prepared.

So I took quite sometime to do justice to the bag. Enjoy the process.

Before I begin showing us the processes I followed to get the bag properly amended, let me list out the materials I used.

Items Used

  • Stitching rope (For shoe)
  • Nittting pin
  • Cutter
  • Myself that did the work.


Many people will always forget to mention themselves as one of the items though we are not really items but the artisans that used the items to make the work what it is.

The world would have been a total defeat and failure without man

The Process

I first of all inspected the back to see where it had problem and I found them.



People end up doing an incomplete and imperfect jobs because many would just fix what they see and forget about running a better check through to be sure there are no other openings.

Some openings might be inside and not out just as mine so be sure you checked properly.

Sew it

Problems discovered are meant to be solved so we sew.
I didn't use the normal sewing needle because it can't hold the volume of tread need to stitch a bag so I used a shoe sewing tread that is more like triple of the normal sewing tread. So if you can remember the style I told us in my last post, the same thing applies here but the difference is the I had to tie it at intervals so it wouldn't loosen up pretty soon.





After you must have finished sewing, make sure you tie up to avoid loosening.


So that's how I contributed my quarter to see to it that my kid brother gets back to school happy because the happier the child, the more active he becomes in school.

Stay safe and happy Halloween.

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