NeedleWorkMonday’s Tease Us Challenge


Happy Monday All!

Even though I’m one of the judges for the Tease Us Challenge (please don’t forget to leave the link to your entry in the contest announcement post) I am still joining in with a tease of my own just for the fun of it! I mean who doesn’t like to tease? 😜

We are really hoping this challenge gets members back in a relaxed mood when sharing their projects. We don’t want anyone ever to feel pressured or rushed when posting their needlework. Some projects takes weeks, months and even years to finish.

This is where the idea of this challenge came from. Sometimes when projects take so long we only have bits and pieces to share as we go...a tease. We talk about where we are in the project and everyone anticipates the next publication that shows a little more.

It’s not only fun to be a part of a creation journey but it allows others to hold you accountable.

A few years ago these types of tease posts brought forth comments/questions like

Hey did you get any more accomplished this week?


How’s that project coming along?


I look forward to seeing an update from you.


Did you find a solution to your roadblock?

These types of comments are motivation and encouragement for us to keep pushing to get our work done and to meet our goals. Knowing that other needle lovers are rooting for you and wanting to see your progress is a big deal. This type of support and engagement makes you want to succeed even more.

Okay okay I’m moving on. It wasn’t my intention to go into that but you all know me, can’t help myself when I get in the mood. 😁


Knowing the dimensions of my project I figured it’d be best to share macro photos in order not to give too much away. With macrophotography allowing you to appreciate the smaller details up close it doesn’t show too much of the scope.

I was glad to be in the middle of working on this when @marblely and I were organizing the challenge. I wanted to take macro shots of the yarn anyway so it worked out.

Hmmmm what could this be? What am I making with this type of stitch?

Hee hee! Stay tuned next week and you’ll find out! 😆

Here’s a photo of the soft gradient yarn I’m using...


I fell in love with these colors at first sight. 😍

Sometimes I wish to get to the color change a lot sooner so each one can show up in my projects. I don’t think this project will be long enough to get to the coral like color that I like the most. 😕

Oh well I’ll just have to make two of these then. 😅

Here is another element being used in my project...

Ooooh it’s getting fun showing you more...but only just enough to


This project is really low key. I wish I could dive into more elaborate work but the strength of my arms and hands aren’t with me at the moment.

I think it’s my body’s way of reminding me I’m turning 40 later this year. 🙄

At least I’m still able to get my hooks out and enjoy myself. I always enjoy it even more when I’m able to share it with you. 😘

Oh and excuse me for a moment while I share this proof that I’m practicing my macro with @castleberry 👋🏽. It’s a start! 😄😉

I’ll leave you with one more shot to ponder on. 😌



This ends my tease session. I am so ready to see all of your tease posts today! I hope everyone has a lot of fun with this challenge.

Even more so I hope to see a lot of love and support in the comment sections.

If you’re participating in this challenge please take some time to visit other’s work and leave some positive feedback ~ 💐

All photos are my own and were taken with our Cannon EOS Rebel T6.

Thank You!


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