Nesting, making space to make, and honing in on what really wants to be sewn


Dearest friends,


I'm sitting here cosy under a thick winter duvet and colourful blanket gifted by a dear sister: I feel sheltered by my newly-structured workspace, and this helps me to focus my energies - even if I am QUITE tired from forcing myself to put things in order!


It was incredibly challenging to find even the differences between different types of clothing that I own! It took much of this past week, to recognise the three (main!) categories of garments: for wearing now; for sale; for making new garments. There was a lot of discerning to be done as I got these categories in place. Some garments were no longer my favourite ones for keeping and so have been relegated to the piles of things that are not yet hung up, and the space for 'selling' is not really available right now so lots of garments that are potentially going to go to new homes, are in a bit of a muddle... I'm awaiting a mail delivery with a set of FIFTY NEW COATHANGERS!! This will change a lot!


This week I also worked on this amazing structure made from bamboo: it solves a variety of issues, in particular allowing me to hang up clothes so I can actually see all that I might want to choose from to wear on a day to day basis. It also creates a kind of energetic shield from anyone walking into my room - which does not happen often, but occasionally folks might ask to see my workspace, and I forget that it is also my bedroom - I would not ordinarily invite folks into my bedroom without being very discerning!! Either way, it is good to have this physical and metaphorical boundary, which helps to divide the room, and to make me feel protected by these layers of hanging garments.


I barely have had time to even think about sitting down peacefully and putting stitches into fabric! Feels like I am getting addicted to being busy and organising things, and will need to get into a whole different mental space and focus energy, to actually create. I do find it hard work to shift from one kind of being to another! Especially moving from structuring things, to being magically inspired to make things! Theoretically, once I have the coathangers, and EVERYTHING is hung up in harmonious magnificence, I will then be much better able to think and feel clearly as I move into new projects.


My creative life has always involved a lot of dynamic, multi-levelled activity - which in turn has required being pretty relaxed about rules, structures, form and function even. It feels wonderful to refine this approach, as I grow older, into a healthy compartmentalised work-life situation. Though my life, work, loves and passions are all firmly part of a vibrant whole, I do sense more need as time passes, for separation - even if that separation is only a light bamboo form with my clothes hanging on it, this has great power on many levels to act as just the right filter for energies, attention and projections that might be coming my way. This is important, and it means that the precious atmosphere of my studio (and bed!) is kept clean, tranquil, intact. Nested, ensconsed - like an animal making night shelter: satisfying any and all sensitivity to outside intrusion.... hoping that this new way of being will allow more my mastery to better thrive...


As when I was painting, the atmosphere of my work and thinking space - just like with my sleeping-relaxing-pleasure space - has to be safe, clear, flowing. It is amazing how easily one can get distracted from deep wholistic focus, by a lower vibration, or by someone else's opinion on what we are creating. And it is immensely empowering to prioritise space that is purely for that focussed relaxedness. I love evolving my discipline, and the space that shelters it.


What about you? Do you have a dedicated space to work, and/ or is it a multi-functional space? How can it be tweaked to accomodate even better your capacity to make magical things? I'd love to hear!


LOve to you all!



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