NeedleWork: How too Many Crochet Work at The same Time Lead us to a Mistake

Hello, beautiful needlework lovers. Today, I will be talking about how we made a mistake crocheting an earring but before I will be able to explain further, it will interest me to inform you that as a needleworker, you need to be focused all the time and how to achieve these is by making sure you don’t carry too many crocheting jobs at the same time.


There was so much crocheting works to be done in the office for customers because Christmas is already on the corner. Last week, I told my team to stop collecting crocheting work, for now, to enable us to finish the already one but when I went to a community gathering to return back, I noticed that some of my crocheting team still went ahead to collect extra crochet jobs from customers and at this point, there was nothing to do about it.


When we started crocheting the available jobs and some of the new ones, a particular customer was there pressurizing us to crochet her earring saying that she will be using it for an urgent undisclosed event. At this point, I tried my possible best to make the customer understand that we are having many works but she refused to listen and that her job must be done. At this point, I had no other option than for us to crochet the earring for her.


In the process of trying to crochet the earring along with other jobs, we missed the number count of one side earring during the crochet. This made one side of the earring look smaller than the other. Do you know that the same customer who was pressurizing that she wants to go to an event with the earring rejected the work and left my office with anger? At this point, I didn’t know what to say again.


As the customer left my office with anger, I told my entire team that what happened was a result of having too many jobs and must be avoided. I told my team that having too many crochet jobs at the same time will always lead to a mistake because there is every tendency to lose focus during crocheting. Already, I will be dashing out the earring to a neighbor.


Materials and tools that were used for the crocheting of the earring are to be highlighted below:

Yarn: Here two colors of yarn were combined for the crocheting of the earring.

Crocheting pin and needle.

Lightening matches.

Earring hook.


I will also be providing you with the procedures used in crocheting the earring:

Here, the materials were gotten from the market.

We have to also understand the type of earring crochet design needed by the customer.

In the process of crocheting the earring, we have to start crocheting from the bottom of the earring using a black yarn through counting by numbers. We also have to join the red yarn to the black one to complete the crocheting of the earring into a round shape.

After the round shape of the earring was formed, we have to use a needle to sew the earring hook to the earring.

Finally, we have to use a lighter to burn out the fire used in trimming the mouth of the yarn.









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