How to adjust the waist of pants? [ENG-ESP]

Hello friends, I hope you are having a great weekend, I was away for a few days since my family arrived from another city and I was visiting them. Today I bring you some tricks to adjust the waist of those pants that are already too small. Sometimes it is better to diet or buy new clothes 馃槄馃槀, but sometimes it is difficult for us to buy new clothes or there are simply clothes that we love and we don't want to get rid of them, that's why I hope these tips help you if you have any pants that you love and want to use again.

The first pants that I am going to adjust are these blue ones, a friend gave them to me and I simply love them, but they were tight in the waist, but they fit well in the legs. What I did was cut some decorations that the pants had in the pockets, I unstitched them and then joined them to transform them into two squares, from which I was later going to cut them in the shape of an inverted triangle.

Holaa amigos, espero est茅n teniendo un excelente fin de semana, yo estuve ausente unos d铆as ya que lleg贸 mi familia de otra ciudad y estuve visit谩ndola. Les traigo hoy unos trucos para ajustar la cintura de aquellos pantalones que ya les queden peque帽os. A veces es mejor hacer dieta o comprar nueva ropa 馃槄馃槀, pero en ocasiones se nos hace dif铆cil comprar ropa nueva o simplemente hay prendas que amamos y no nos queremos deshacer de ellas, por eso espero que estos tips les sirvan si tienen alg煤n pantal贸n que amen y quieran volver a usar.

El primer pantal贸n que voy a ajustar es este azul, una amiga me lo regal贸 y yo simplemente lo amo, pero me quedaba apretado de la cintura, mas de las piernas me quedaba bien. Lo que hice fue cortar unos adornos que ten铆a el pantal贸n en los bolsillos, los descos铆 y luego los un铆 para transformarlos en dos cuadrados, de los cuales posteriormente iba a cortar en forma de tri谩ngulo invertido.

As a second step, I made a cut in the pants on the sides of the waist, then I fitted the triangle that I had cut, attached it to the pants and the result was pants that were more relaxed at the waist, I really liked the result.

Como segundo paso, le hice un corte al pantal贸n por los laterales de la cintura, luego encaj茅 el tri谩ngulo que hab铆a cortado, lo un铆 al pantal贸n y el resultado fue un pantal贸n m谩s desahogado en la cintura, me gust贸 mucho el resultado.

The second pants are these black dress pants, I recently bought them, but they were a little tight at the waist, there were no other sizes, but I really liked the pants. What I did with these pants was move the button a little on the right and it was loose. I hope these tips can be useful to you, and if you have more tricks you can comment on them. See you in the next post! 鉂わ笍

El segundo pantal贸n es este de vestir de color negro, hace poco lo compr茅, pero me quedaba un poco ajustado en la cintura, no hab铆a m谩s tallas, pero me gust贸 mucho el pantal贸n. Lo que hice con este pantal贸n fue correrle un poco el bot贸n a la derecha y me qued贸 desahogado. Espero que estos tips les puedan servir, y si tienen m谩s trucos pueden comentarlos 隆Hasta un pr贸ximo post! 鉂わ笍

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