My First Ever Sewing Work

Happy new year everyone,I am so excited to share with you an update on my sewing journey.I started learning how to sew about 6 days ago and here we are!

Honestly I still do not know the technical terms for certain things so forgive me if I use plain words throughout.

As I said earlier, I was going to learn how to sew this year but I just thought why not learn already as I have the opportunity.So I started learning about 6 days ago on paper.

I am a person who likes to take up challenges to push myself to always come out extraordinary.My cousin who is teaching me how to sew told me to focus on making perfect stitches and sewing in straight lines but I already had different plans.After learning how to sew in straight lines and curves I just went forward to start sewing a bell sleeve top and long skirt with slit.Why Bell sleeve top?I have already crocheted a bell sleeve top before so I felt it would be easier sewing one.Well, for a first timer it wasn’t.So I started sewing the skirt on Thursday,28th December,2023.My cousin taught me how to cut and shape and then I did everything on my own with her supervision. She was so busy that sometimes I had to figure things out on my own.It got to a point I was feeling frustrated and lost and wanted to stop. I can’t even count the number I had to undo the stitches I made.
Finally on 29th December,2023 I was able to finish the skirt and that was when I had energy and hope that I can actually do it.

The joy I felt when I tried on the skirt was really out of this world.I didn’t know if it was possible but I wanted to make the top so I wear on Sunday.
To be very honest, I struggled a bit with the top (it was not as easy as imagined) but I still managed to finish even though it was shorter than I wanted.
I showed my outfit to my dad and he couldn’t believe his eyes because I barely knew how to operate the sewing machine some days ago so my cousin had to confirm that I really made the outfit but my mom wasn’t surprised when I showed her my skirt

because she knows I’ve always wanted to learn how to sew.
To be very honest if you tell me to explain how I made the outfit , I would fumble because I skipped a lot of basics and didn’t really think I could do this which is another reason why I didn’t even remember to take any pictures of the process(which I regret). Now that I feel fully encouraged that I can really do this, I am going to start from the basics and learn everything and share with everyone the things I eventually make.

Anyway I am so excited that in just 6 days, I have been able to make this outfit even though I knew absolutely nothing about about sewing.

Thank you all for the tips and encouragement when I announced I was beginning this journey.I wish everyone a successful needlework year and many accomplishments.

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