Learning How To Sew|Inspired By NeedleWorkMonday

Hello everyone, first of all I want to say I am really grateful to this community. This is one of the best communities I’ve joined and the inspiration I get from here is really huge.
A very big thank you also to @monica-ene @angelys @mariela-b and @kathelopez77. They inspire me alot.Anytime I see their works I get so excited and their tutorials are really detailed and easy to understand.

Actually, I was going to learn how to sew next year as my part of my resolutions but I realized next year is just another year and 1st January,2024 is just another day.If I want to do something and I can just do it now then why not.

Seeing so many beautiful cloths made each and everyday in this community has been a serious motivation to me.

I still do not know the technical terms for certain things and will learn as I move forward so forgive me if use plain language whiles explaining.I started by learning how to sew on straight lines.

I then switched to circles.
It was really difficult learning with the pressure from the electric sewing machine

but as I practiced, I got a hold of it.

I can now control the pressure from the machine and I am still trying to master it.I have always wanted to learn how to sew.I remember hurting my finger trying to sew a handkerchief at the age of seven.Now I look at that scar on my finger and I’m happy because my dream is coming true.

Please do not hesitate to let me know of any tips or hacks I need to know as a beginner.
Thank you for your time.

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