Beneficial aquatic plants.

Hello friends who are always loyal to this community. How are you guys? Hope all is well and running smoothly. On this occasion I would like to share a little about aquatic plants that we often encounter in swamps or fish ponds. I found this plant in a fish pond belonging to my friend. This plant in my area is known as Kiambang or Kapu-Kapu, with its scientific name Pistia stratiotes.

This plant is widely spread in tropical and subtropical regions. This plant is widely used as an ornamental plant in ponds and aquariums. The benefit is that it purifies water from harmful pollutants and is able to absorb radioactive pollutants, up to heavy metals in water, so that it can maintain water quality in ponds and support the growth and health of fish that are kept.

Another benefit is that this plant can control the growth of moss in ponds. This is because apu-apu that grows floating will block sunlight from entering the water, thereby inhibiting the process of photosynthesis from the moss.

It is said that this plant is also useful as an herbal medicine, to treat fever, whooping cough, as well as expel urine. That's because this plant contains alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids, saponins, oils, fats, and glycosides.

That's a glimpse of water plants that provide many benefits. Alright friends. Hope you like it. Thank you for everything. See you in the next post. Greetings from me.


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