Vojvođanska Amazonija! 🌿Vojvodina Amazonia! 🌿

Njeno visočanstvo- Nera! Predivna reka sa najčistijom vodom koja vam jednim plivanjem nahrani telo i um! 🥰
Reka Nera je poslednja neukroćena reka između Srbije i Rumunije.

Her Highness - Nera! A beautiful river with the cleanest water that nourishes your body and mind with one swim!
The Nera River is the last untamed river between Serbia and Romania.




Njene peščane i šumske plaže kao i sakrivene lagune oduševiće svakog ljubitelja prirode!

Its sandy and forest beaches as well as hidden lagoons will delight every nature lover!



Reka Nera je leva pritoka Dunava i dugačka je 124 kilometara.

The Nera River is a left tributary of the Danube and is 124 kilometers long.



Ne znam kako je kod vas, ali ovde u Srbiji su opet velike i neuobičajeno visoke temperature pa su mnogi ovde pronašli spas. Hladna voda ove reke svima je nesebično pružila svoju lepotu i raskoš.

I don't know how it is in your country, but here in Serbia the temperatures are high and unusually high again, so many have found salvation here. The cold water of this river unselfishly offered its beauty and luxury to everyone.


Naravno, kao i uvek, ja sam bila zadužena za selfi! 😄 Šta mi teško? Hahahaha...📸

Of course, as always, I was in charge of the selfie! 😄 Why not? Hahahaha...📸



Dok vam pišem o ovom divnom današnjem iskustvu, koža i kosa mi još uvek mirišu na Neru. 💚🌿
Ja svog Tarzana ni ovde u dubokoj šumi nisam našla. 😭
Na kraju ću izgleda naći samo Ćitu...🐒🐒🐒

As I write about this wonderful experience today, my skin and hair still smell like Nero. 💚🌿
I didn't find my Tarzan even here in the deep forest. 😭
In the end I will probably find only Cita...🐒🐒🐒

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!

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