🌿🌳🌿Happiness between heaven and earth!🌿🌳🌿

Jedan mudar čovek je rekao:
Usamljenost se ne leči druženjem sa drugim ljudima, ona se leči kontaktom sa stvarnošću. Okrenite se pravim stvarima, izvucite se iz gužve i vratite se prirodi. Tako smo mi i učinili. Ceo dan smo deca i ja proveli u prirodi...
Carpe diem! ☀️🌿🌷

A wise man said:
Loneliness is not cured by hanging out with other people, it is cured by contact with reality. Turn to the right things, get out of the crowd and get back to nature. That's what we did. The children and I spent the whole day in nature...
Carpe diem! ☀️🌿🌷



Popele smo se do prvog vidikovca. Plavo nebo se širili u beskonačnost, a vazduh je mirisao na slobodu...

We climbed to the first viewpoint. The blue sky stretched into infinity, and the air smelled of freedom...



Napravila sam stoj na rukama da proverim kondiciju. Dobro je, još uvek mogu! 😅
Nastavile smo uspon po planini kroz gusto zeleno lišće koje nas je još uvek štitilo od sunca.

I did a handstand to check my fitness. It's good, I can still do it! 😅
We continued our climb up the mountain through the thick green leaves that still protected us from the sun.




A onda nam se pridružio ON. Neočekivano je sleteo ispred nas. Tiho sam mu papnula da mi pozira.

And then HE joined us. He unexpectedly landed in front of us. I quietly asked him to pose for me.



Dok sam mu se približavala, tiho sam mu govorila: - ne boj se, raširi krila, neću ti ništa...
I znate šta je uradio?
Da, raširio je krila, kao da je razumeo...

As I approached him, I quietly told him: - don't be afraid, spread your wings, I won't do anything to you...
And you know what he did?
Yes, he spread his wings, as if he understood...



Zatečene čudnom komunikacijom sa leptirom, nastavile smo put verujući u novo čudo...

Surprised by the strange communication with the butterfly, we continued our journey believing in a new miracle...



Pogledala smo u parče neba koje je virilo okruženo drvećem i stenama. Učinilo nam se da čujemo glasove na nebu, a onda...

We looked at a piece of sky that was sticking out surrounded by trees and rocks. We thought we heard voices in heaven, and then...




...izmileo je paraglajder narandzaste boje kao i onaj leptir!
Toliko nam je bio blizu da smo se pozdravili.

  • Zdravo!
  • Hajdete gore, popnite se!
  • Ok, bacite nam kanap! Hahaha...
    Bio je to fantastičan susret zaljubljenika u prirodu! Dijalog izmedju neba i zemlje!
    Bile smo nahranjene nestvarnim dogadjajima i pranom koju nam je priroda danas nesebično davala...
    Kakav dar prirode!
    Krenule smo zadovoljne ka kući.

...he made an orange paraglider as well as the butterfly!
He was so close to us that we said goodbye.

  • Hello!
  • Come up, climb up!
  • Ok, throw us a rope! Hahaha...
    It was a fantastic meeting of nature lovers! Dialogue between heaven and earth!
    We were fed by unreal events and the prana that nature selflessly gave us today...
    What a gift of nature!
    We headed home satisfied.



Upijale smo sve mirise predvečerja, zvuke letnjih zrikavaca,a onda smo stigle do poslednjeg vidikovca pred spuštanja do grada.

We absorbed all the scents of the eve, the sounds of the summer songbirds, and then we reached the last viewpoint before descending to the city


Predložila sam devojčicama da vam mahnemo i osmehom prenesemo radost današnjeg dana. 🥰☀️👋☀️👋

I suggested to the girls that we wave at you and convey the joy of today with a smile. ☀️👋☀️👋

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!

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