Mother nature

Namaskar and hola guys..
Recently snowfall in my home town almora uttarakhand and i clicked this mesmerizing view..when I saw this view I realised how beautiful and powerful our mother nature is she can turn greenery into white blanket so she can do far as we humans see the beauty of our mother nature,she mesmerises us with her beauty.
Mother nature is such a feeling that tell us how this world, there trees, there mountains,this sky is beautiful and important to us without them we're never gonna stand a chance but we are so selfish we are always trying to destroy our mother nature for our benefits but still our mother nature never abandoned us she's always trying to give us everything time to time that she have like rain crops fresh air fruits everything and she's always trying to protect us but we never cared for her ever but she's always with us till the end of our lives see how incredible our mother nature is please respect her like your real mother..img_0.2188511938995823.jpg
Mother nature is incredible!

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