Chasing Sunsets: Refreshing Our Minds

Welcome again everyone to a new blog of mine I, thomasino hope that you will all enjoy it and I hope that you will also appreciate it. As for this blog, I will be expressing what I do after class and how I enjoy myself from the stressful school work as a student, and that is watching the wonder of nature.


As a student in St. Louise de Marillac in Bogo every once in a while, our group of friends will decide if we want to go out after class to watch the sunset at the local pantaland (a place that is near the sea more like a small port) as a way for us to relax since it's just near the school. Especially when it was almost time for our finals there were many projects, and the deadlines were coming it was easy for us to be stressed. Because of this, an idea was made by one of my classmates that if there was time for us to go to the pantaland we would go there as we realized that it helps us to relieve our exhaustion from school.


In the afternoon there will also be many students gathering there from different schools since it is also their go-to spot every afternoon. This makes it quite crowded sometimes but that doesn't necessarily mean that it is a nuisance, I don’t mind them being there as I also understand that they may also be stressed and tired from their studies. But the purpose of this blog is focused on why the people gather there every afternoon because of the sunset and the sea breeze.


Researchers also say that sunsets can help you relax and also help you deal with your anxiety. Therefore, this is one of the significant reasons we take time to go there after class. Another reason is that we can also admire the beauty of the sunset and also, we can enjoy the sea breeze and have talks with some friends. The cold wind that dashes you as you also go there makes your mind more relaxed and gives out an indescribable feeling that I experience. It’s a great experience once you try it and you will meet some of your old friends from different schools and it also makes the talk better.


As the day begins to end the contrast of the sun becomes very beautiful as many people take pictures of it and admire its looks which attracts many people as such many will also bring their pets there for a walk. For me, the beauty of the sunset and sunrise are both my favorite and it’s a good way for us to watch it every once in a while, and much better every day so we can start and end our day better.


It doesn’t matter where the sunset is it's still great when the weather is perfect and together with some talk with my friend it makes the experience more memorable. Since I have now graduated from the school, I won't be able to see them anymore and I truly appreciate those moments together with them I hope that when there is a time for us to do it again it will be us watching the sunset and having great talks about our lives.




Sunsets do give out many benefits for the people that watch and enjoy them, not only from what I described and said but also it creates bonds and memories to ourselves on how we truly see the world, even though there are many difficulties where you may see the world as harsh and cruel and that is truthfully normal as rewards come at the end, sunsets are one of them as it’s the beauty of nature that is admired by many.



Lastly, I can conclude with you that this is a good way to end the day for each one of us as not only it is magical but also helps us to be more creative and positive towards how we see our Amazing Nature and is such a Beautiful World. For the people that are reading this I would like to give my thanks and taking the time to read this, I hope that you enjoy it and also like to watch these kinds of sceneries and see you on my next blog.

Please also take note that I don't own some of the photos as they are from my classmates ad I have full permission to post the photos.

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