Little Syrphid Flies - Nectar Suckers

Hello everyone, how are you today, I hope you are always in good health and continue to give the best. So today I will share about the insects I got yesterday. Which of these insects I found in the forest or plantations in our village. Actually this insect is very small even so small that I am very difficult to see even to get it. He kept flying and alighted only for a moment and then flew again. The wind that blows makes the grass shake so that these insects fly and fly. I feel overwhelmed at the moment taking pictures of it, but with curiosity about this insect I was determined to get it even though it took a very long time.


With passion and patience, I was finally able to get a little of this insect picture, although sometimes the picture is not so perfect, but I have tried my best to be able to share it with all of you here.

When I look for other insects I always remember this insect, I only got two pictures and took the initiative to get some more pictures of this insect. This very unique insect made me very amazed and did not want to let go of this very beautiful moment.

Actually I don't know this insect species, is this insect classified as a type of wasp or fly,,,,,?? And with my experience as an insect photographer, here I answer that this insect is classified as a type of fly and not a group of wasps. (1) Because in terms of vision it can be seen on the head of this insect which is round like a fly.

And here I will make the title as flower fly, which this fly is very happy to perch on leaves and flowers, and this fly also only exists in the forest. And maybe they only eat flower nectar as food. by flying and circling and approaching the flowers, and even they spread powder on the wild plants so that the plants can reproduce and can continue to reproduce with their life. And this is all I can give on this occasion and I hope you all can enjoy it.











Photo TakenRedmi 9C + Macro
Macro Lens TypeApexel 18mm
LocationNorth Aceh - Indonesia
App EditorMy Gelery

I hope you all enjoyed this post and Thank you!

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