A Great Time At Inner City Provincial Park!

Went to the city the other day to visit my Mother, wanted to take her on a walk somewhere different. We found out about a provincial park located inside the city. It was nice and big with sounds of birds and a few attractions. There are sculptures and a house where you can have dinner. After the walk we did go for dinner. Will save the food portion of the trip for another post.

I really enjoyed the wetlands and the trees, the sound of birds as well as the sculptures. It smelled really good and fresh in the air. We walked around quite awhile exploring the location. There are a couple of rivers, some cave looking forms on the sides of the hills. It was very interesting and good weather. Today it's snowing so we went at the right time!

It's the beginning of spring so things are still looking a little bare. It has been fairly dry this year so far also. Today it snowed and now it's raining so plants should pop up quite nicely now. As well as sculptures there were geodesic domes. Didn't know what they were for until we went to the restaurant. They told us normally people dine in them so they can watch the stars from above while having their dinner! Cool. It is shut down for now because of the pandemic.

I like those sculptures allot! The horse made out of horse shoes is cool and I like the more alien looking one! It was such a great walk and had a good dinner afterward. I want to go here again sometime to ride my bike through. The park is very big with lots to explore.

My Mom really enjoyed coming out! She would not normally be able to go to a place like this or for the kind of dinner we had. It's important in these times I go for walks and eat right! Need that for physical and mental health. I felt very good after this day.

I also have some video clips of the different areas of the park and our adventure!!

The one video is age restricted 'cause the sculpture has boobs I guess..LOL wtf

I'm glad there was so much to take in and see! I'm looking to the next little trip to go on! Will be a bit tougher now as restaurants will be take out only. Sometimes hard to find a restroom when I travel to the city. Should have some work coming up though to keep me busy during this recent lockdown

All the music in the videos is by Synthesis Underground










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