Amazing Nature Contest: FREE TOPIC -#3/3/22

Plum blossom in a gold vase ...💮

#AmazingNature competition organized by @bucipuci


I thought that when I saw a plum blossom in the buds and only a few blossomed ...
I love that moment ... Sun ... Flower ... Sunset ...


A plum blossom in a gold vase is actually the name of an old Chinese book..I don't know who wrote it ... And I don't know what it's about .. I took it to read it because I liked the name ... And I never did. ....


In Asian cultures, the symbolism of flowers is important ... And the plum blossom is one of the symbols ... so I better quote you..


"In early spring in Japan, while the snow still covers the valleys of the hills, the plum blossom appears as a symbol of preservation and purity. From the land of the Rising Sun to the west, the plum carries with it many stories. old age, wealth, health, the pure soul of a child's love and natural death.These are common motifs during the celebration of the lunar new year.As the plum blossom first bloomed before winter has receded it represents the life force and energy of nature.In classical Chinese scriptures in the plum blossom scenes express courage and strength. "


My favorite plum is when it blooms among the first fruits ...

The tenderness of these flowers cannot be translated into words ...
And this way they look so unreal compared to the sun ...


Three friends of winter Pine, bamboo and plum Together symbolize endurance, integrity and modesty ..


"Three Friends of Winter - Zhao Mengjain

On cold days, the plum blossom and pine, with their fragility, create a distance from external influences. They act as if they are inserted into the landscape and separated from the world by an invisible membrane. In combination with the always green bamboo and pine and the early flowering of plums while the snow is still present, we get an image of integrity and endurance. In this connection, a symbol of longevity also appears: bamboo and pine with always green leaves and a plum blossom on aged branches."



In our country, plums symbolize progress ... And there is a belief that where plums go well, a house should be built there..



The view of open flowers ... opens my soul and I rejoice ..
It is a life piece of sky, sun, flower ... we are here ...



Thank you very much for visiting my blog ❤️


Have a nice day ☀️☀️☀️


I wish you a great Sunday ☀️🌼💮☀️☀️

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