📷 Amazing Chameleons

I've always wanted to see chameleons live in the wild, not at the zoo. Just think, these amazing creatures can control their appearance, almost perfectly mimicking and adjusting to what surrounds them.

They are not found in our country, and for us they seem to be something completely exotic. Therefore, when during one of the walks in the forest in South Africa we found the first little chameleon sitting on a branch of a plant right on the trail, the whole group, like the paparazzi who saw some celebrity, looked at him and photographed with everything that was at hand — cameras, smartphones, and even GoPro. It's just amazing how colorful and cute he was, and he really looked like a twig with its color, brownish-yellow in different shades. We tried not to bother him and did not touch him, but, probably, he still was not very comfortable.

We saw the second one a couple of days later in the parking lot, it was also quite small — alas, we did not meet big 30-centimeter specimens. Someone tried to put a green leaf near him to see if he turned green, and if you take a closer look at the photo, you can see that some parts of the skin has already started to turn green. But we had no time to wait the full result: cars drove nearby and we carried him into the bushes, outside the asphalt, and just left him there.

Besides their ability to change color, I liked their unusually arranged eyes — they rotate so funny. After that, unfortunately, we did not meet chameleons, but maybe in the future I will be lucky a little more? :)

It's better to watch the photos in high resolution.

Exposure time: 1/400 sec
Aperture: F 4
Sensitivity: ISO 200
Focal length: 210 mm
35 mm equivalent: 421 mm

You can also see my photos in my blog LJ and in my profile on NatGeo

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