Not just another flower post

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There was a time when it was looked down upon to do a "flower post". At that moment many were trying to get rewards easily without adding any value to the blockchain, and sometimes the feed would be overwhelmed with flowers and no interesting text to accompany them.

We want to share flowers today because we got so many good pictures, and because through them we are being able to appreciate the blossoming of spring in the southern hemisphere. These pics were taken in the yard of @choli 's family and are cared for mainly by her mother. We're no photographers, but we're pretty pleased with the shots we took.

We don't know the names of the plants exposed here but if you're curious about one, leave us a comment and we'll gladly find out the info for you.

To make things a little more interesting in the narrative department, we figured we might add things we are grateful for today after each picture. Maybe you can relate to them, maybe they'll help you remember why it's worth to be alive, and maybe you won't even read them. But it's still a good practice to put down into words whatever it is that gives meaning to our experience as humans on Earth.


For the chance to experience healing every time we open our hearts.


The peace that comes from knowing that we are living a perfect experience.


For the resilience to stand up again when everything seems lost.


Giving and receiving love and affection, from close people, family, whether of blood or not.


For all the dreams that come true when we are able to practice patience and presence on a daily basis.


How light life becomes when we learn about the cycles and changes in Nature.


For the freedom to decide how to react to circumstances.


To my earthly body, which allows my senses to see the beauty of life.


For finding people who change our lives at the right time and moment.


For innocence and pure-hearted moments aligned with the desires of the inner child.


Laughing, playing, hugging, kissing.


For the infinite diversity of roads to walk and discover.


Being here in this crazy creation.


For beauty, grace, and subtlety.

And that's our collection of the best pictures we took that day, we hope that it brings you peace and joy, as it brought us to observe and appreciate these beautiful beings of our world.

Have an awesome day!

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