Groundhog Day: February 2nd


It’s been proven that birds and animals have extrasensory perception about what will happen in the days ahead with the weather. There’s been incidents when they have vacated areas before a disaster hit the region.

In line with this thought, I wonder if the groundhog will leave his burrow on this crisp, cold February 2nd winter’s day and reveal to us how the winter will proceed.

Folklore is ~ if a groundhog leaves his burrow and sees his shadow on Groundhog Day, he’ll retreat to his burrow, a sign that winter will go on for six more weeks, and if he doesn’t see his shadow, it means spring will arrive early.

With the sun shining brightly this morning, I predict the groundhog will see his shadow.

The view from my front porch over the mountain of snow Hubby has snow-blown to keep the driveway clear.


This may sound like old wives tales but this hypothesis about the groundhog and his shadow is taken seriously in this country.

The Forecast this morning by the groundhog called Shubenacadie Sam.

It was on the news that according to her handler, Shubenacadie Sam emerged from her enclosure at the wildlife park north of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada and saw her shadow.

This means we had six more weeks of winter weather coming this way. ⛄️

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