Night life of roe deer

I have a meadow by the woods. And there's an old pear tree growing on the edge of the meadow. One day I had the idea of installing a photo trap there at night - just to see what was going on. And it turned out that the roe deer were coming there to eat the dropped fruit.

In infrared mode, with their eyes glowing, these peaceful animals look kind of spooky.

Mám louku u lesa. A na okraji louky roste stará hrušeň. Jednou mě napadlo nainstalovat tam na noc fotopast - jen tak, abych věděl, co se děje. A ukázalo se, že tam chodí srnky požírat spadané ovoce.

V infračerveném režimu, se svítícíma očima, vypadají tato mírumilovná zvířata tak trochu strašidelně.



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