My Solo Plight to Mt. Pulag (PART 6) : I'm on the top of the world

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♪♪ Such a feelin's comin' over me
There is wonder in most every thing I see
Not a cloud in the sky, got the sun in my eyes
And I won't be surprised if it's a dream ♪♪

Mt. Pulag has always been a dream. When I used to climb in my early 20s, there were only three mountains on my list, namely: Mt. Pulag, Mt. Guiting-guiting, and Mt. Apo. That's why when I was there watching what only appeared in my imagination before, I couldn't help but sing a song from the Carpenters. If you want to sing the entire song, you can, but I suggest you set it aside (for now) and join me instead as I revisit another leg of my Mt. Pulag climb.

As you can remember, I've posted Part 1 of my journey to the Philippines' 3rd highest peak in Photography Lovers while Parts 2-5 were posted in the Haveyoubeenhere community. But I felt this new post fits best in this community as it will showcase one of the best landscapes of the Philippines. I'm excited as this is my first time posting in the Amazing Nature community, too! 😁

This is one hell of an adventure up the mountains of Benguet, Philippines. Come with me!

No turning back


In Part 5, we reached one of the towers or smaller hills in Pulag. I believe it was the Ranger Station that assigned tourists to spots where they can watch the sunset. One spot can only accommodate a certain number of people without damaging the natural state of Pulag. Luckily, we were assigned to a spot right next to Mt. Pulag's peak.


Everyone was astonished by what they saw that morning. I personally felt opening a door that led me to the Narnia of the Philippines. I thought that was it, we can go down after watching the sunrise and the enormous sea of clouds.

But Chi, our guide, pointed to the bigger hill next to where we stood. "If you climb that mountain, you'll reach the peak of Mt. Pulag!" She told us we can go up on our own since the trail is established and a lot of people were headed there. "You'll never go astray in that case," she added.



Many from our team declined the offer stating they're good with what they experienced already. But I was eager to pursue the peak; I always want nothing but the best regardless of the need to put in a little more effort to get it. I love challenges especially the ones I know are difficult to conquer. So with only 6 out of 19 brave and relentless souls, we headed towards the peak.


As our guide initially told us, the trail is established; one just had to follow the 15-20 minute nonstop assault to the summit of Mt. Pulag. We started off walking one after the other in a single line but after a few minutes, I decided I could catch up and meet the rest of the group at the summit.

I decided to take things slowly this time. I walked as if I am walking in a park for an afternoon stroll. I breathed the coldest breeze I've encountered in my life and I stopped somewhere in the middle of my climb to the summit.

I wondered why I had to meet Gio. Of all people, why him? Why do I have to be shattered into a million irreparable pieces?

I could've chosen to give my thoughts the full authority to take charge of where my attention goes to, but I took control and told myself that the beauty right in front of me was more important than anything else. So I moved forward, alone and with only my GoPro, Nuknee (my DSLR), and my phone with me.





I couldn't help but pause every now and then and ask strangers to take photos of me. I've traveled solo for work before and I'm convinced that strangers take the best photos (especially in moments when there are no other options haha 😂). It's better to have at least one photo regardless of the quality. Just glad this photo (about 50 meters away from the summit) came out beautifully.




The Summit

Because I was taking photos the entire time I was hiking up the summit, it took me more than 20 minutes to reach it! 🤣 When I finally found my group, they asked what took me so long. I told them I was just savoring the hike.

And there, the 360° view from the summit was priceless. I've seen a few mountains before I met Mt. Pulag but this was different in all ways possible.


It was oozing with confidence and energy but at the same time peace flowed naturally like how rivers flowed to the ocean. I can't help but smile ear to ear when I reached the top. I was telling myself that it's a shame that a heartbreak pushed me to go here, that I felt there's no other way to escape the pain but climb Pulag. It's a shame, because, without the heartbreak, I would've not found the courage to take this route all by myself.

Mt. Pulag should be more than just an escape plan. It shouldn't be an escape plan ever again. I might be too late, but glad I still learned it.


The extra 15 minutes I spent taking pictures was a great call since there were plenty of tourists who arrived early than my group. And do you know why they aren't climbing down yet? They're lining up for something: a chance to snap a photo with the famous Mt. Pulag signage, which I'd agree, completes the climb.


Look at that crowd waiting for their turn!


So while waiting for us to be called, I grabbed the free time to take more photos and to look at Pulag like I'm never ever seeing it again (although I intend to go back through a different route).






And there, finally, our turn came and we had to make it quick since many tourists were still waiting.


And finally, my solo pose with the Mt. Pulag summit signage. I bought that Giordano brown jacket about two years before the climb with thoughts that one day, I'll meet Pulag. Two years later, I met her. And although I came with the heaviest heart, all experiences that brought me down melted right there and then. Pulag might have not erased it for good, but it mended some parts of it. It took some of it and buried it somewhere in this vast land. And for that, I'll always be grateful.



I'd like to end this post by saying that I am lucky to have an escape plan, in my case this mountain in Benguet. I would've gone mad without an avenue for my grief to come out, for my misery to be reflected upon. This trip marked the start not just of a new chapter, but an entire book of my life. It might have taken few more months to fully heal, but without this trip, without this encounter with the finest natural creations of the Almighty, I won't be who I am now. I won't be where I am now.

I owe a lot to Pulag and one day, I hope to give back.

This sounds like a parting message, but you're wrong, I still have a few more things to show you. So once again, thank you for joining me and see you in the next one!



Living life intentionally every single day, she believes that there’s no limit to one’s potentials. Right now, she’s on the loose for the pursuit of endless holistic self-growth and development. She wants to light the way for others. She believes there’s no better way to leave a legacy than to pay it forward.

Her ultimate goal in life is to reach the state of enlightenment where there’s nothing but peace, love, happiness, and contentment - nothing more, nothing less.

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