While the elders rest, the youngsters play.

Something like when the cat is away the mice will play. But these are not cats. In fact, they are two naughty Baboon youngsters.

Now come and watch the action of these two little hooligans on that car.

We stopped at the lookout spot at the top of the mountain pass and met a wild family of baboons there.
I posted the elders resting and you can see them HERE
In any case, they were first inspecting the car, and then the one tried the doors of the car. As you will see in here below.

They were watching the owner of the car unloading his para kite, and taking off into the sky. So they know that he was not around.

The one tried the doors at the right side of the car and was now clambering back up with the help of his partner in crime.

He could not get up and his partner did not wait for him.

The partner moved toward the back of the car. While the other one finally got up.

He jumped off, grabbed an empty packet from a bin, and sat feeling sorry for himself.

But watch the action of the other one below.





Now don't let them tell you that a small baboon does not know how to open a car door. Fortunately, this one was locked.

Just another day in our lives with some unexpected fun. As I said in my previous post, we have to work between the powercuts and during the powercuts we run around with the camera.
A lovely experience here and nature has once again opened its arms to us to show us the crazy things that the little ones can get up to.
Of course, they learn it all from the adults.
And that is where the saying, monkey see monkey do, comes from.

I hope that you have enjoyed the post and had a smile. Now I have to rush, as we are switching off in a few minutes time.

And That's All Friends.

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon Powershot SX70HS Bridge camera.

Thank you kindly for supporting a post on behalf of @papilloncharity

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