Some silver haired folk in here. Part 1.

First up is a lazy yawning uncle Wally and you can see he needs to brush his teeth. He is lucky as he still has his teeth :)
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A Happy Friday to all. We were on or way over the mountain and I often stop at a lookout spot at the top of the mountain pass.

Yep, the place is also the home of a Baboon tribe that live higher up in the rocks. So here I will focus on the elderly folk and in the Part 2 post I will show you what hilarious tricks the young ones get up to.
There were also some cars parked here as the owners were up in the air Para-Kite flying and the young baboons wanted to take a drive, while the owners of the cars were gone.
But for now, let's have a look at the pensioners.

Yep! Having a closer look at uncle Wally's teeth, I thought that the next time that we stop at this lookout point, I will bring him a toothbrush and some toothpaste :)
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A real meditational philosopher this uncle and I would love to know his thoughts about me.

In the meantime aunty Millie was relaxing on the grass after the young grandchildren had worn her out.

Then she rolled over to pose for my camera.

Now this I would not encourage any person to do as that old baboon has extremely strong hind legs and before you can blink an eye he can jump right on top of the prospective photographer.

So another uncle came across to tell the guy to get back into his car. The baboons employ him as the local bouncer :)

There are quite a few of these trashbins around, and the baboons raid the bins in search of food and sweetness. Big signs are up all over the place, not to feed the wild baboons.

The young ones are also taught to raid the bins and that is not a good thing, as some rotten food could be in there.

Finally in Part 2. of the post I will show you the clever tricks these two hooligans get up to with that car :)

We heard that there are some farms that have cancelled their wheat growing efforts, due to the strange weather patterns, and they are now planting canola. Now canola has a beautiful green and later yellow color, and we wanted to see the color changes in the land. So I'll show you the canola fields later after I am done with the baboon posts, Parts 1 and 2.
I do have much more to show you from today's trip, but will gradually do it in posts.
For now, I hope that you have enjoyed the pictures and the story.

And That's All Friends.

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon Powershot SX70HS Bridge camera.

Thank you kindly for supporting a post on behalf of @papilloncharity

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