Skink Lizard on the hunt!

Smiley was watching the wasp at the left of the picture here!

A happy Friday to all and today I will show you how crafty "Smiley" the skink is!

He knows that I am watching him with my camera, but this does not detract from his eating plan for the afternoon.
I think that he was on a mixed diet, or as some people say; "eat all that you can when it's available".

Bang! The wasp was gone!
He strikes in a split second and is way too fast for my camera.
But one of these days I will catch him with an insect in his mouth.

So, Smiley whispered to me; "Zac, you are way too slow to catch me mate"

Ooh, a new treat has just landed.
Smiley is a Cape Skink (Trachylepis capensis)

Look at the distance between Smiley and the wasp at the right and he knows that they cannot sting.

Wasp done and now Smiley eyed this fly at the left.

Cheat! He snapped the fly and smiled at me, with that catch me if you can look in his eyes.

"Hey Hivers" Smiley said; "Hope that all of you will have a good weekend and if you have a fly problem, you can ask Zac for my business card"

I took about 7 photos of Smiley in the striking act and they all came out blurred. Once I had a chameleon on my hand that struck a fly that landed near him on my hand and he was also as fast as lightning with his tongue. Needless to say that the photo was also blurred.
But one day I will get it right and in Smiley's case I might get his strike in a video.

And That's All Friends!

Note: All photos are my own and taken with a Canon Powershot SX60HS camera.

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