Morning and evening shots here.

A water laden sky early morning with a rainbow promise in it.

Let me show you how fleeting our days have become lately.

Time just slips away like a thief in the night and before we know it the night has set in. So I sit on my chair and wonder where the day has gone. The rush in this world keeps us constantly busy, so busy in fact that we no longer have enough time in a day.
So many priorities that we have and before we can complete them all, the day is gone and we have an overload for the next day.

This was how our morning opened with a rainbow in a water laden sky.
We are far away from the devastating storms in the other parts of country, but yet we had short spells of light fairy rain resulting from the storms.

At least I know where to dig for the pot of gold, as it is behind that tree.

Some late morning clouds above the mountains.

A wider shot of the photo above.

And then suddenly our late afternoon started and I still had many things to do.

Then in a rush the sunset started as you can see here below.

And before I knew it, the moon was rising above the mountains.

Oh yes, that is the moon near the street lamp and not a balloon :)

One two three and the day has run away from me. I don't wear a watch as it only chases me up to get things done and whenever one is in a hurry, then mistakes creep in. Fleeting is the word that I have used above and just as fleeting as the time, is our lives in this world. Just the other day I was in my twenties enjoying life and now all of a sudden I have to cope with my late 60s. My grandchildren were in nappies and now they are in college.
There were 3 of us (friends), of the same age and uncannily all 3 of us were born on different days in the same month of April.

Now the other two are gone and I am alone. It is when one looks back that we realize how short our time is on this planet. The question is; are we contented with our lives, or are we forever seeking and searching and wanting. Like flowers we are seeded, we grow, we blossom and then the time arrives for us to wilt.
Time is precious and I use it to shine my light, what about you?

And That's All Friends.

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon Powershot SX70HS Bridge camera.

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