A dancing Praying Mantis.

We named him Manny Travolta and after the dance I gave him a new home.

A few of you will remember John Travolta in his dancing movie and little Manny had the same steps :)

We stopped at a shop and on the way back home this guy walked across our car's windscreen. I couldn't stop due to the traffic, so I slowed down to allow him to fly off the car. When we got home and I got out of the car, he was still on the roof.
So come and be entertained by Manny the Mantid.

First above a step to the left and then below a step to the right.

This was when I saw him on the roof when I got out of the car.

Then he walked over to the dancing spot, as he was trying to get onto the rib on the car's roof.

Here he got on the side of the car.

Oh yes, he was watching me every step of the way as he came along on a slow walk.

Check out his lovely shadow here below.

Thank you mate, he said, I hope that you have enjoyed my dancing show.

Wait, he said, let me come closer.

I need a toilet and something to eat after that harrowing drive on the car's roof.

So I put Manny into a big bush in our front garden to do his business.

Look how thankfully he looked at me as I was leaving.

The end of the story and I am sure that Manny will take care of all of the mosquitos that sit on his new home. I am not going to ask you to look for him, as only I know where he was and it is our secret. Else you will tell the bugs and they will stay away from the bush.

So there you have it and what a nice experience it was to help the little guy. He must have been one of those stunt riders in Mantid land.
Just another simple experience in my life to test my love and care, as I will do this for any insect, bird, animal or human.
We have the power to kill, but we also have the power to live and to let live. The choice is ours and if we partake of the latter, then we are making this world a better place.

I hope that you have enjoyed the picture story and may it be well with all of you.

And That's All Friends.

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon Powershot SX70HS Bridge camera.

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