Rescue Little Swallows

Hello to all nature lovers!

Today I want to tell you a real story from real life. My life.

Fifteen years ago, in every Ukrainian village, every family kept cows, pigs, chickens and other livestock. However, as the economic situation improved, people began to earn more money and the need for large numbers of livestock gradually disappeared. Over the years, the number of cattle in the villages decreased.

My wife's parents were one of the last people in their village to keep a cow. But even they decided to sell it this winter. However, the war broke out and they changed their minds.

Since the cow is left, I often have to come to the village to help make hay. Here it is, glutton:


During my next visit to the village, last Saturday, passing by the stable, I heard a loud twitter. At first I didn't pay attention to it, but the twittering became louder and louder. Then I remembered that swallows nest in the stable every year. I already wanted to go about my business, but I saw that this criminal ran out of the stable:


Feeling that something bad had happened, I immediately went to the stable. It turned out that someone left the door open, but not just open, but in such a position that, climbing to the top of the door, the cat was able to get close enough to the nest. Then it made a desperate leap, trying to get the chicks. However, it did not succeed and it fell to the floor, apparently frightened, and fled.

As a result of all these events, one chick fell out of the nest. I immediately picked it up and put it back. Then I took a picture of a reunited family:


The chick that fell is on the right. It brothers and sisters with their mouths wide open are waiting for the next portion of dinner.

As a child, I remember being taught not to touch little swallows because their parents could leave them. I don't know what this is about, maybe a human leaves their scent and swallows leave their offspring out of fear. I could not leave the poor chick, so I took a risk and put it back in the nest.

Fortunately, as soon as I left the stable, the adult swallows began to feed their chicks as if nothing had happened. The next day I checked again, the swallows regularly brought food to their children, and all the chicks remained in the nest.

So I can say that I did something useful for nature. Thank you for reading. I hope you found it interesting.

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