The Revitalizing and the Captivating Expedition at Lapus-lapus Cave


Hello, Hivers! Isn't it amazing that you will be able to witness the topographical awe of the world? This experience is not just an ordinary one but a marvellous acquaintance with nature's wonder and another discovery of the cave's mysterious features that brought an exciting expedition that is worth sharing.

Well then, together let's explore the forested mountain that is said to be surrounded by caves. It is a wonderful opportunity for us to step into the cavern that has not been visited much by tourists, the Lapus-lapus Cave

The Refreshing Walk



This is the path where we traversed going to our planned destination. It is a 45-minute walk before reaching its foot. Nature is inspiring and refreshing. A walk with it radiates positive energies that give wealth to our well-being. Once I indulge myself in the natural wonders of the world, I begin to feel a great positive outlook on life.


To be revitalized, I always find time to connect with green scenery as this will eliminate all the mood disorders that bring stress to oneself. This factor gives me better contentment and satisfaction that pushes me to keep on doing it. This is my best way to escape the tiring indoor work, our weekend walks at the naturally green scene.



How amazing this place is. The rural dwellers enjoyed the benefits that it offers to them daily. A scenario like this gives happiness for a healthier lifestyle where they can enjoy the natural wonders around them. All the good vibes are felt within.

The Lapus-lapus Cave Discovery


Walking amidst the trees, hearing the snapping of the twigs as we passed them, and listening to the birds calling and singing are so reinvigorating. Upon our arrival at Lapus-lapus Cave, the huge and wide opening enticed us all. What an incredible discovery is to be found out.



One well-known feature of the caves that we have visited is being dark and their temperatures are constant. However, this cave is pretty different from those mentioned caves in my blogs. The two huge doors that are positioned naturally by nature, facing each other equally made it unique and amazing. Light can pass without any distractions and the fresh air is free to flow.


With the plants that have grown inside, this proves that the soil there is healthy.



I was amazed by the wide and huge hollow space inside. We were all astonished to have witnessed the different rock formations. The solid walls that are too thick and towering are so wonderful. It seemed that we were inside a stadium with a wide area. There were no stalactites and stalagmites found, these were taken by the locals.


In my amusement, I zoomed my phone's camera to take a closer shot of the circles seen above the towering ceiling. It is so incredible to see hundreds of holes where the birds and bats are nesting. They are unharmed here. The distance of their nests from the ground is too difficult to reach, which makes them safe from the people who are planning to take them.



Another wonderful thing that overjoyed my feelings was this cute hole where light can pass. It is too small and gazing at it from a distance appears like a flashlight has been turned on. So fantastic.


This magical door was profoundly made by nature. I couldn't imagine how this was formed. Stepping out of this huge opening will lead us to another world of wonders where tall trees will provide us with great relaxation.


I was having fun looking at my co-blogger enjoying herself as she tried to climb the roots of the extraordinary Balete tree. How powerful the roots are, as they go downward, the more they become thick and so beautiful to look at. The rock formations seen on the ground with different sizes are a little bit slippery. We need to be cautious in all our steps.


I shall call them, the magical twin doors that allured my attention. Looking at them with the green scene as the background was so fascinating. According to the locals, thousands of years ago, this cave had been forming these twin doors already. The doors that are opened to all. Its underground chamber served as the hideout of the locals during World War II. They are so tempting and their incredible charm is irresistible. They appeared like a gem that is so adorable.

The benefits of this caving


Navigating these peaceful and natural wonders of the world boosted my skills when it comes to overcoming obstacles and difficulties. Discovering its hidden beauty is pretty amazing and has given me an incomparable experience.


My child has a better improvement when it comes to concentration, her creativity on how to surpass the difficult challenges along our way was sharpened and her frequent connection with nature improved her willingness to spend time in natural and green spaces.


This caving was remarkable and beneficial to me and to my child. Together we were revitalized and we were captivated by its stunning beauty. This ignited our interest in discovering another beautiful creation of nature that will make a difference in our lives.

It was an interesting day and there was so much fun as we cavern together. More caving to happen in this Amazing World of Nature. With Amazing Nature, life is incredible.

That's all for this blog, to have more fun with nature.

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