Time for Jacaranda mimosifolia


When something is so beautiful and unattainable - like this elegant lady, Jacaranda... You know, she invaded the whole city, with her violet flowers that are impossible to photograph. Simply not possible.

And that's what my husband told me a few days ago when we saw this beautiful tree and I started to take a picture of it. He said that it was not easy, and he was right. But I didn't give up and every time I saw a Jacaranda tree I tried to take a photo. I gathered a whole collection of pictures, ie. photos in the attempt.


The trees are too high and the flowers are quite small. And the colour does not differ too much from the sky, so when you stand under this tree and look up, toward the sky - through the canopy of the Jacaranda tree you feel like seeing the sky but with this violet shade... if this makes any sense what I just wrote.


Let's move from the colour of the flowers to the scent. I could not recall from the previous years when I saw this blooming tree its fragrance but this time I could smell it. It is not too strong, like Jasmine for example, but sweet enough for me to like it.

It also seems that its leaves and flowers can be used for medicinal purposes, but I am not informed enough so I stay just an observer of these pretty purple/violet bells, which adorn the branches two times a year, in spring and autumn.


This is the first blooming this year. The second one will come in September or October but usually, there are more flowers on the trees in spring (note - just my own observation/perception).

I saw the first ones several days ago and since then I have been on this mission to take at least one nice photo of the tree. I ended up with many and none is making justice. Here is the collection, although I deleted several photos from here that I didn't like or which don't represent well this lady Jacaranda's charm. 😅




Btw, Jacaranda is native to South America but it is not uncommon to see it here in Spain. They probably like the climate as well, and interestingly I see every year more and more Jacaranda trees.

Out of curiosity about how the tree can be propagated, I watched some videos on YouTube about it. You can grow them from seeds but I don't have a garden where a tree of this height could live.

If you notice in the following photo, this Jacaranda also has woody seed pods. The light, winged seeds are growing inside them, which are helped by the wind to start their flight after the pods open. I hope that many of them can bring new Jacaranda trees to life.


Here I found one seed pod on the ground. The seeds were not there anymore but I anyway took it home, as an encouragement to write this little purple post after another long and busy day.


... So, what about your city/town? Are there jacaranda trees in the place where you live?



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