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Amazing nature content ((Explore some beautiful moments of nature and beautiful places of a garden home made in my area))

Starting today's topic with good wishes and devotional love to all, I think people's feelings can be won by love and good behavior and also by good deeds and that's what I'm trying to do because good deeds always pay off. He is doing well, no matter how big obstacles he faces, people will give him the results of his good deeds one day or the other. I am trying hard to win people's hearts. Share step by step thanks everyone hope you will support me and be by my side to take a measure to help new users in future days.

These trees look very beautiful and the color of the leaves is pink which can be said that they are planted in the yard and gate of the house which enhances the beauty of the house and creates a beautiful face which proves its beauty when planted in the yard of the house. I am sharing some details with you.
Scientific classificationEdit this classification
B. spectabilis
Binomial name
Bougainvillea spectabilis

This plant is the beauty button flower which is basically a fit in height which has many branches according to the morning and it has beautiful pink flowers in many colors to enhance the beauty which I am sharing with you in a beautiful way. No matter how good I tried to give my best, thank you for being by my side and Sadar for always supporting me.Catharanthus roseus, commonly known as bright eyes, Cape periwinkle, graveyard plant, Madagascar periwinkle, old maid, pink periwinkle, rose periwinkle,[2] is a perennial species of flowering plant in the family Apocynaceae. It is native and endemic to Madagascar, but is grown elsewhere as an ornamental and medicinal plant, and now has a pantropical distribution. It is a source of the drugs vincristine and vinblastine, used to treat cancer.[3] It was formerly included in the genus Vinca as Vinca rosea.

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Ixora coccinea (also known as jungle geranium, flame of the woods or jungle flame or pendkuli) is a species of flowering plant in the family Rubiaceae.[1] It is a common flowering shrub native to Southern India, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka. It has become one of the most popular flowering shrubs in South Florida gardens and landscapes.[2][3] It is the national flower of Suriname.[citation needed] Commercially important medicinal plant, used in ayurveda. All parts including flower, leaves and root are taken for various medicinal preparations for skin disease, Diabetes etc.

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It is the part of the front gate of this twist point which is very beautifully placed by them and there are some unknown and some cautionary words or messages written on the wall which show the human talent of the tree and help to increase the respect of the nature.

The plants we know as Lilies are the various types and colors found in my garden and are beautifully nurtured with care. It can be said that when a nature lover is fascinated by nature and the beautifier of nature, he is more than just his nature. I noticed that many beautiful trees and many necessary unnecessary works have been beautifully preserved by someone, and among them March Lily is a plant species native to Cape Province in South Africa but widely cultivated as an ornamental. . It is reportedly naturalized in many places: Corsica, Portugal, the Azores, Madeira, the Canary Islands, the Scilly Isles of Great Britain, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ascension Island, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, Cuba, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Chile, California, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Michigan and the Juan Fernández Islands.
March lily is a plant species native to Cape Province in South Africa but widely cultivated as an ornamental. It is reportedly naturalized in many places: Corsica, Portugal, the Azores, Madeira, the Canary Islands, the Scilly Isles of Great Britain, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ascension Island, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, Cuba, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Chile, California, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Michigan and the Juan Fernández Islands.

I want to share this video for my gardening natural beauty..

Thanks for everyone and special thanks for @untilwelearn @good-karma ..

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