Waves of color and heat washing up on our southern shores

Is it just the very old, at their last days on earth, who take the time to cultivate roses?

Today is a total heatwave here on the South Cape coast of Africa so I'm staying indoors to keep as cool as possible. The waves of heat are just washing in from the Inland Karoo desert perhaps, brought in by the Breeze which is so hot it feels like the oven door has opened. It's best to just lay low and wait for the heat pass.


Nevertheless, before things got out of hand today, I was able to pay a visit to a friend who happens to be in her final years and who loves roses and other pretty flowers. She has cultivated a beautiful garden, filled with various colourful Roses as well as numerous other amazing and colourful flowers. I can't share the aromas with you but I decided to capture some of the spring Blossoms in all their beauty, now that the season is upon us and they are at their best for this short period of time.


Now is the best opportunity to see the garden at its most colourful so my friend showed me around and I was able to capture some of the spring treasures here on photo for you. Flowers are a lot like treasures - abundant sometimes but not at others. These natural gems spring from the Earth when the conditions are right, bringing joy to our lives with their beautiful colours.

Stop and take the time to smell the roses.

She really does have a picturesque side and if not seen in the rubies and Sapphires of the Earth then we can certainly see the prettiest side of nature in her abundant flowers which are so prolific now here with spring in the south.


I'm no expert on flowers but I do like a pretty sight when I see it and so I was quite happy to stroll through the fragrant garden and observe wonderful gems and nature was bestowing upon us. Now that Winter is over and spring has Arisen it does feel like a sudden arrival of is pent-up summer energy which is now suddenly burst upon the scene as if held back by chains until now. Somehow the lock has been opened and the door is wide ajar and the Waves of heat flow from the furnace into every nook and cranny.


According to the general long-term climate forecast, our region is about to have the warming effects of the recent El Nino which has arrived on the planet after 4 years or so of the opposite conditions. Here on the south coast of Africa this El Nino climate feature tends to make our weather hotter and drier. Fortunately we had a particularly wet winter over the past few months and conditions are just right now for the arrival of the fiercely hot summer.


The plants are just exploding with life and vitality and so to are all the people who have now come out of their shells and are able to bask in the life-affirming rays of the Sun once more. I do love the summer here at the coast as I'm sure you might too if you are on one of earth's beautiful shorelines.


If you're in the Northern Hemisphere then of course winter is arriving and you have just enjoyed the past several months of summer. We all take our turn as the Earth turns it seems, and now here in the south it's a chance for us to bask in the warm glowing radiance of the blissful sunshine that brings so much health to all of us. When the rain falls it falls on all rooftops and when the sun shines it shines on all our smiles. In fact even our sorrows feel the rays of the sun who bestows its rays upon all of us regardless of our actions, thoughts or words.


Right now the beautiful flowers are blossoming in the rays of the sun. I, on the other hand and keeping well away from those scorching rays and that fierce heat for today. I'll chill out and keep a low profile until the sun sets and then perhaps we'll have a bit of a cool breeze to round off another day in Paradise.

(photos my own)

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