South Africa One Hour Bird Watching

Amazing Nature Contest: Thematic Challenge - #2/1/22

Challenge with a twist, I have selected the hot day on 9th January 2022 to prepare photography of birds seen here in Southern Hemisphere.

Being only one hour in challenge we have Weaver birds and Ring-necked doves as frequent visitors daily, however the Pin-tailed whydah is here again this year chasing everyone from the bird feeder to ensure his ladies get preferential treatment, by order of this Cheeky small bird!


Above: Cape Turtle-Dove (Streptopelia capicola) not a big dove with gray-brown "ringneck", pale belly with white tips or side of tails in flight, abundant species always around. Next is Southern Masked-Weaver (Ploceus velatus) red-eyed masked weaver another species regularly living around the home, daily sightings at the bird feeder, normally?.


One Hour Challenge

Starting at 09h45 I noticed the Lesser Striped Swallow (Cecropis abyssinica) sitting on the telephone lines, already too hot in the morning, Mums must have instructed them to rest here while going off finding food for the newly fledged little ones.


Captured her arriving to feed, at one time five on the line waiting patiently for Mum's to arrive catching on wing and bringing directly in a matter of seconds the food is transferred.


At 09h50 White Eared Barbet (Stactolaema leucotis) visited to take in the sizzling views, a chocolate brown to brown medium sized bird with creamy white under parts, white flash behind the eye. Sitting on high to look for insects or fruits available to feed on.



Now 10h07 my trusty friends arrived Brown-hooded Kingfisher (Halcyon albiventris) a family frequently in the garden, I often see two to three at a time, Mum and little one waiting on a branch for food to arrive in the shade. Medium sized woodland dwelling kingfisher with distinct call when in a chatty mode.




To end off the day Cheeky over the rooftop still persistently chasing females at 17h00, he will only stop when the sun goes down, very active crazy little guy! Not part of the challenge, just a smile to watch his antics.... always a busy guy!



At 17h05 he landed in front of us demanding 'his feeder' is for his females, yes he stands his ground. Pin-tailed whydah (Vidua macroura)


Thematic Challenge with @bucipuci on @hive-127788 - One Hour Bird Watching

I use Avibase for research - Avibase-The World Bird Database


All photography is my own. Any queries or requests please drop a comment below or make contact with me, have a wonderful day! Photography without tripod, go with the flow wherever life takes you. NB: Amateur photographer and bird watcher, keep smiling!

Thought for Today: "No sun sets without its histories." - African Proverb

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by @barbara-orenya


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