Jewel of the Insect Kingdom

Orange or Blue depending on the Season

For over two years I have been observing a plant outdoors which attracted my attention with caterpillars enjoying the leaves. Now I have researched and confirmed both plant and insect, life is so interesting, please, never tell me you bored!


Lets start with the plant, it is the Plectranthus caninus (family Lamiaceae), planted most probably 20 years ago in this wall pot.

Under hard lockdown 2020 I noticed the caterpillars, most probably they have been enjoying the plant for years, yes lockdown's can make us open our eyes to nature around.


Plant has nickname of Scaredy Cat Plant apparently smelling like dog urine which will keep both cats and dogs at bay, never actually smelt it so I will take their workd for it. I have it in shaded area, whereas it prefers full sunlight, note to self perhaps will have to try plant a cutting in direct sunlight in another pot.


Butterflies and Moths are holometabolous, which is just a fancy way of saying they have four distinct stages in their lives
• Egg - Have seen butterfly eggs, never sure which species, no pictures evident on this plant.
• Larva: better know as a caterpillar
• Pupa: when they have formed their silk cocoon known as a chrysalis,
• Adult: better known as a butterfly or moth

Let's start with what captured my eye first, the caterpillar, with definite markings and spikes warning do not eat or touch it was fascinating watching up to 6 at a time on this small plant.


The Gaudy Commodore belongs to the Nymphalidae-Nymphalinae family of butterflies. Its habitat is predominantly savannah and it occurs throughout sub-Saharan Africa. The caterpillars of the Gaudy Commodore are about 45 mm in length and they are tawny brown in colour, banded with black. They carry branched spines along the length of their body and a pair of spines on the head. Source


One day in April 2020 caterpillar started to form itself into the pupa formation, readying itself for the next stage of it's lifecycle as seen in the following photograph.



By 09h00 the next morning it was fully formed pupa, the pupa also changes from copper/reddish brown colour to more black, I believe from people on the forum some will turn dark grey.


A few days later more settled....



On Friday much earlier in the season due to rains possibly - I witnessed the butterfly drying out wings before flight, at long last I could learn more by identifying Southern Gaudy Commodore - (Precis octavia ssp. sesamus). By clicking the link one will quickly realize why this is referred to as a jewel of the insect kingdom.


Seasonal change in colour of butterfly, now who would have thought that possible, well they are robust orange/red in summer and gorgeous blue in winter, damn these butterflies are difficult to identify it really takes concerted effort!



Learn something new everyday I thank African Butterflies & Moths - LepSoc for forums and assistance from volunteers around the country helping clarify what you have seen, this too assists with tracing health in environment and life in the insect world.


Empty house, now I will be on the lookout in August/September to see if I will witness this butterfly in blue!


All photography my own using Canon Powershot SX730 HS camera. Any queries or requests please drop a comment below or make contact with me, have a wonderful day! Photography without tripod, go with the flow wherever life takes you. NB: Amateur photographer in nature, keep smiling!

Thought for Today: "If an insect as ever bit you when you see it, you kill it or run away. - African proverb


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