Phallus indusiatus o velo de novia

Hi guys. I am super happy, because there are many things that I have discovered in Brazil, and that have left me very excited.

This fungus, apparently edible, appeared in the place where we are working, and it is a place rich in protein and it is humid, a place where they love to be.

This friend was a little over 10 cm long, and his circumference was about 5 centimeters.

In his case, it didn't have a scent per se. He didn't want to touch it either, he was a little afraid it was poisonous. But then I read that it wasn't, so no way. I only know that it was soft in appearance

The hat that covered its entire surface had these small circles that were very thin in thickness, but that gave it a very beautiful shape and that captured all my attention. I hope you come across one of these and can try them and tell me if you can really eat them 😬😬😬.





Ismael D. Rodríguez

Discord ismaelrd04#9345

Gracias a estos Testigos por hacer de Hive, el mejor lugar en todo lugar: @guiltyparties @enginewitty @thealliance @c0ff33a


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