Knowing the Pitaya [Eng/Eng]

This beautiful plant is known as Pitaya here in Brazil.

In Venezuela, it was just a plant that we had to deal with because of its sharp thorns, and that almost never bore fruit, and when it did, it was believed to be poisonous.

I remember that it was only cultivated by people of Asian origin, but for us it was not something common to eat.

Now, here in Brazil it is cultivated to eat, and to sell, so it has simply left me a little surprised, and although I have not yet tried the first one, I will surely tell you how it is.

Today we cleaned some of them at the farm, and took some to try them in a few days.

I learned from the owner of them, that there are some varieties of colors, particularly this one is red, but there is also white and yellow.

Está hermosa planta es conocida como Pitaya acá en Brazil.

En Venezuela, tan solo era un planta con la que había que lidiar por sus espinas puntiagudas, y que casi nunca daba frutos, y cuando si daba, se creía que era venenosa.

Recuerdo que ella solo era cultivada por las personas de origen asiático, más para nosotros no era algo común para comer.

Ahora bien, acá en Brasil es cultivada para comer, y vender, por lo que sencillamente me ha dejado un poco sorprendido, y aunque aún no he probado la primera, seguramente les contaré que tal es.

Hoy limpiamos un poco alguna de ellas en la hacienda, y tomamos algunas para probarlos en algunos días.

Supe por el dueño de ellas, que hay algunas variedades de colores, particularmente está es roja, más también hay blanca y amarilla.









Ismael D. Rodríguez

Discord ismaelrd04#9345

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