The Greatness of our Mother Nature

Nature is so perfect that it has a life of its own and in each ecosystem a plant or animal life develops. I was watching very carefully the process of development of the flower of a plant called Palma (also known as Chaguaramos in many countries, it is an ornamental plant that is used to decorate institutions, houses, squares, roads, gardens, squares, boulevards, avenues among others. I tell you that at the moment the plant begins to grow a dark green capuyo with a resemblance to an arm that has a closed fist in its hand; that capuyo lasted almost a week to begin the opening process where it Green fruits emerge that then undergo a maturation process where they take on a black appearance.

This would be the seed of the Chaguaramos (Palm) plant. We can highlight that the leaves of this plant are used to make handmade hats and other garments. to celebrate a party or a meeting.

I also want to highlight that the capuyo resembles the shape of a sword and after it hatches it opens with various shapes of stars that we could take as a good decoration for a party.
I took these photos personally with my cell phone.

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