Flatweeds flat leves - Hypochaeris glabra

Hypochaeris glabra 1.jpg

The yellow flowers in this shape are so popular, that I generally call them all dandelions. Cause it's easy and because most of the times I don't see much difference between them, besides the size of flower stems.

Checking the leaves and how they grow helps tremendously in finding the right name though.

Hypochaeris glabra

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I was a little early to see the open flowers here, but that made me pay attention to the leaves. Dark beetroot colour unlike the ones I saw online. The dry weather and hot sun probably caused it. The way they grow so close to the ground is the reason why it is also called Flatweed.

A perennial, low-lying edible herb often found in lawns. The plant is native to Europe, but has also been introduced to the Americas, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand, where it can be an invasive weed. It is listed as a noxious weed in the northwestern U.S. state of Washington.

Hypochaeris glabra 2.jpg

Th flowers are about 2,5 cm across and after blooming will turn to the fluffy balls, just like a dandelions do. Each seed will fly away finding new place to grow.

Hypochaeris glabra 4.jpg

You probably know by now that I like the old graphics, so here is one dating back to 1844 :)


image source

Bonus shot:
A little Geranium that was growing in the same place. One of the smallest spring blooming flowers with quite a striking colour.

geranium 1.jpg

geranium 2.jpg

Shot with Nikon D5500 + Sigma 105mm lens
All photos and text are my own.

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