Deer in Wollaton Park and Gardens, Nottingham, UK

We recently visited Wollaton Park and Gardens which is situated in the neighbouring county of Nottinghamshire in the UK. As the notice states, it is also home to over 90 red and 120 fallow deer and to remind visitors to keep their distance. They are wild animals after all.

At one point, we thought the deer had its antlers stuck in the fallen branch. After a while, we realised it was actually trying to scratch the velvet covering off its antlers.

The antler growth and shedding process happens to male deer every year. Deer grow antlers each spring and shed them in winter. I've yet to come across any discarded antlers but it would be good to find some.

After their antlers are shed, they begin growing new ones. Antlers are made of bone and are covered in lovely velvet. The velvet helps to nourish the antlers as they grow.

In the rut season, which usually happens in autumn, stags will fight each other to establish their dominance. The dominant stags will then mate with as many females as they can.

It is always a lovely sight to see the free roaming deer in the park, especially this close up.

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