This is my entry at @adalger Amazing Nature Contest as of August 2020, Theme #3!

I was doing some shopping in front of the Tsurumi station here in Japan when suddenly this pigeon appeared from my side going to the place I was supposed to eat since it was already a noon time for lunch. Then following its path, I noticed that it was looking for food to eat. At that time, I didn’t bring any biscuit or pan which I always brought to give it to birds like pigeons and ravens and I pitied it for searching food in that kind of place where people didn’t much care about their presence.

After a while, I opened my iPhone camera to take pictures but it seemed that the pigeon knew that I just wanted to take photos the reason why it walked hurriedly escaping my lenses. A little boy saw it too while riding his bicycle and we watched it together pecking the ground moving fast from one place to another. Atlas I had the chance of taking photo of its image when it stopped by in front of the bicycle. It really amused me seeing these group of grey and white birds living inside the busy city without that much food but only waiting for some kind and caring individuals to feed them in their conditions.

As I was going to the bus station of Shinagawa Train Station, this pigeon caught my attention. This pigeon was one of a kind since it looked at me as if it knew that I wanted to have a good picture and posed as if it liked saying to me, “ Hey, just make sure it is a good shot! “ ...Haha... laughing out while looking at its photo after the shot. Waiting for a while, this pigeon that looked like sick with fluffed feathers halted in that place not moving for a long time as I was sitting back along the benches out there watching, it keeps gazing a homeless person staying under the staircase. I really didn’t know why only speculations that the homeless person might giving it some spare food for the caused of its action.

This place was in Yokohama Train Station. I was attending that day an early part time job with free bus commutation. These two lovely pigeons were walking and pecking foods in the middle of the road. I was worried they might be hit by cars but then felt good when they moved into a much safer ground.

According to history of pigeons, they are the world’s oldest domesticated bird occurred as early as 10,000 years ago. They originally found in Europe, North Africa and Western Asia. Charles Darwin while expediting his theories aboard the HMS Beagle one hundred and seventy-five years ago discovered these species. Pigeons are considered to be one of the most intelligent birds of the planet for they are the only small number of species to pass the “ mirror test” - a test of self recognition. They can recognize each letters of the alphabet and can also distinguish human face differences within a photograph. Their average lifespan is 6 years. They lay their eggs on spring and fall season. Pigeon or Dove birds are considered an omen of good luck. When someone sees a pair of them, they symbolizes luck in love. (Wikipedia)

There you are hiver members. I hope that you like my story about these pigeons that I have met along the places I have visited.

All photos are original of iPhone 7 Plus.
Thanks for dropping by.

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