Sunce je radost -The sun is joy

Bilo je dosta tmurnih dana u zadnje vreme.I ja se onda osećam ponekad bezvoljno i neraspoloženo.Ne uvek ali tih dana je bilo tako.Otišla sam sa decom u šetnju i tog dana je izašlo sunce.To mi je odmah popravilo raspoloženje.Osetila sam se puna energije i dobrog raspoloženja.Osmeh,smeh i radost.I deca su živnula mada nisam primetila da njima smeta vreme.I one su bile glasnije i više su trčkarale napred nazad.Sve tri smo se smejale,pričale i planirale šta ćemo tokom dana raditi.Mnogo ideja smo imale.Telefonom sam slikala ovo zimsko sunce tog dana.

There have been a lot of gloomy days lately. And then I feel sometimes listless and in a bad mood. Not always, but it was like that in those days. I went for a walk with the children and the sun came out that day. It immediately improved my mood. is full of energy and good mood. Smile, laughter and joy. And the children came alive, although I did not notice that they were bothered by time. And they were louder and ran back and forth more. work.We had a lot of ideas.I took a picture of this winter sun on the phone that day.







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